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Warning: This story contains content that revolves around pregnancy issues. Please read with caution!

9 weeks

Two weeks go by since Niall and Gia find out they're going to be parents. Ever since that night at his house, they've been working on seeing each other more frequently. With Niall in the midst of releasing his next single and Gia busy with her own company, it's mostly been stolen two-minute phone calls between their schedules and late night take out in Gia's living room.

Niall knows he needs to tell his record company and team because they're gearing up for his new album release, but he also knows that tour will be calling his name the second his fans get a hold of the record. He misses touring, more than anything, but his priorities have shifted rather quickly and he refuses to be halfway across the country or world during the birth of his child.

And frankly, selfishly, he doesn't want anyone else in his life knowing quite yet. Rhea and Harry are enough for him. As soon as he tells someone else, it not only invites more people into his life and Gia's, but it risks the pregnancy becoming everyone else's. He doesn't want to take that risk. This pregnancy being a surprise is enough to deal with as it is — he's not going to put Gia through anything else if he can help it. She may work in the event world, but she has no idea what the press will do to her if they find out.

Mostly, though, both of them are just trying to fucking handle everything.

After an anxiety ridden day in the studio going through the tracks for his second album and avoiding the questioning gazes of his sound producers because he's so distracted, Niall is able to hop into his car and make the trek to Gia's. It's a 30-minute drive from Los Angeles to Long Beach, not a big difference considering regular Californian traffic but with rush hour it takes Niall twice as long to get there. He likes driving as much as the next person, and he'll do whatever he has to in order to see Gia, but he's spent at least 6 hours driving to see her in the past 3 days alone.

When he finally steps up to her front door, Chinese takeout in hand, a sense of calm washes over him. He loves spending time with Gia. What he remembered of her from the wedding still holds true — she's beautiful, funny, determined, and easy-going. They know next to nothing about each other, yet they still get along effortlessly. Nothing sounds better than eating some food, talking about their days, and settling in to watch a movie from their running queue. Besides, it's his turn to pick.

When her door swings open, it's not Gia that he's met with.

A short brunette narrows her eyes at him, taking him in. Her defensive demeanor makes him nervous. "I'm guessing you're Willow," he says, offering her a smile.

It doesn't work to crack her protective best friend posture. Niall's not surprised. He had to adopt it at a young age for Rhea.

"And you're Niall," she replies, finally cracking half a smile. Her gaze darts to the bag in his hands and she raises a questioning eyebrow at him, "I hope you brought enough for three."

Before he can reply, she's turning on her heels and heading into the house. Niall shuts the door behind him, the sound of Gia's voice filling the air as he walks into her kitchen and living room area. He stops short when he sees what's going on.

Up until now, he's had the impression that Gia is a relatively clean person. Her house is always organized and pristine. But right now, she's got A-frames all over her kitchen, each decorated with various design elements, color palettes, and other things that make Niall's head spin. Her dining table isn't much better, full of files and paper. Their usual oasis, her living room, is thankfully less hectic.

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