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Gia's watching Niall try to get everywhere at once

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Gia's watching Niall try to get everywhere at once. He's been trying to multitask, making sure she doesn't get out of the car on her own and grabbing the baby carrier, along with the baby bag. He's trying to figure out how to get both of his girls and everything else inside.

"Maybe I'll just make two trips," he concedes, sighing. He's very obviously sleep deprived, but he's still entirely focused on taking care of her. Gia smiles and scoots towards the edge of the seat, swinging her legs out of the open door despite Niall's protests for her to stay put.

"Hey," she says, tilting her face up at him. "Come here."

Niall raises an eyebrow at her, but sets the bags down nonetheless. He leans down until his face is closer to her, arm balanced on the open car door. Gia puts both of her hands on either side of his face, leaning up a little in her seat so they can make the awkward angle work. Her back twinges in protest and her grimace gives her away.

"Take it easy, baby," Niall scolds, shaking his head at her. He kneels down instead, right in front of her. He takes her hand in his and brushes his lips against her knuckles in a fluttering kiss. "What is it?"

Gia releases his hand, reaching for his black sunglasses and slowly, carefully pushing them off his nose and into his hair. Those ocean blue eyes stare at her curiously, a smirk playing on his lips as she presses her palm against his cheek again. He hasn't shaved during their time at the hospital, his stubble scraping her palm.

"Breathe, please," Gia instructs him, her thumb brushing back and forth against his cheek. "We're home now. It's all okay."

Her words are exactly what Niall needed to hear and he lets out a groan, ducking his head for a second. "I know, I know. Just don't want either of you in pain or anythin."

Gia cradles Niall's jaw in her hand, using her thumb to ever so gently curl under his chin. She lifts his face until his tired gaze is looking up again before she leans forward, pressing a sweet kiss to his forehead. "You're the best, do you know that?"

Niall laughs, but doesn't move away, letting his eyes shut as Gia brushes her fingers through the top of his messy hair. Gia puckers her lips against his skin again, either of his arms balancing on either side of thighs. It's a quiet little moment, the first in their home since they've brought Isabella home. "You take care of us so well," Gia tells him, the sweet words muffled into his warm skin. "We're okay now, Ni."

Niall finally lifts his head, his voice soft. "Yeah, yeah," he replies, mostly to himself. His hand balances on the seat as he slowly stands up, dropping a kiss to the top of Gia's head. "Alright, I'll take the baby and the bag then."

It's a good compromise, but Gia's manages to scoop up the bag while he gets the carrier out of the car anyway.

"Good news is she's still fast asleep," Niall comments as they enter the house. He peers down at his daughter, strapped into the carrier that he is entirely sure was too big for such a small, delicate little person. She's wearing the 'daddy's little rockstar' onesie and a matching little cap too, sound asleep with her chunky little cheek balanced on her tiny shoulder. Niall brushes the hat upwards, a tuft of soft brown hair peeking out of it. He could look at her all day.

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