drabble: the one with the first night home

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Niall's hovering by the edge of the changing table, one broad hand next to his tiny, tiny baby's body as he scoots over and grabs her sleeping onesie that's draped over the edge of the table. It's a lilac color, decorated in little sleepy bunnies. It's her first night back home, away from the loud beeping of the hospital machines and the constant door opening and nurse check-ins. It's a big day.

He steps back in front of her, smiling down when she squirms, lifting her little legs up a bit and moving her tiny mouth as she watches him curiously with blue eyes that mirror his own. He carefully cradles her head in his palm, lifting her up to pull the onesie over her, guiding small legs and arms through their respective sleeves. He sets her back down once she's inside, smiling as he does up the tiny snap buttons.

"Had some dinner," he mumbles, "A bath. Pj's are on. Now we just need some cuddles, right baby? Then it's bed time." He pauses, glancing up at her as she lets out a monstrous yawn considering how tiny she is. His heart warms in his chest. Several times since she's been born he's had this feeling — this all encompassing wave of love and adoration — an inexplicable swell of his heart. Something he knows he'll never be able to capture into words or lyrics no matter how hard he tries.

He loves her so much. He dips his head down and kisses her pudgy little belly with a loud smacking sound. Then another. And one more. When he glances up again, her face is bright, showing her father her gummy smile as her tiny hands settle in his overgrown hair.

"Are you happy?" He asks, his voice shifting into a soft, gentle tone reserved only for his baby. "Is my little girl smilin for me?"

He quickly finishes the rest of her buttons, scooping her up against his chest. She rests comfortably in his arms as he puts away the powder and baby lotion and other things left around after he and Gia gave her a bath. "Okay, let's go say goodnight to mumma."

He shifts Isabella closer to his chest, his hands practiced. A few weeks ago he was scared to even pick her up. She's still so fragile, brand new and precious. But he's sure he can keep her safe.

Niall pads down the hall to the master bedroom, opening the door. Gia's sitting up against the pillows, wearing glasses and watching tv. He smiles at the sight of her, and her him, as he ushers into the room. Rhea and Harry had left their fridge fully stocked and the house spotless, but finally being back at home allowed the toll of the pregnancy and delivery and complications to wash over Gia. After Isabella's bath, she'd looked so exhausted Niall'd sent her to relax.

"We came to say goodnight," Niall announces, leaning down to transfer their daughter to Gia. In the time it took to walk down the hall, Isabella's grown drowsy, fussing as she's shifted from her spot.

"Shh," Gia murmurs, cuddling her close. She presses a kiss to the top of her daughter's head, brushing her fingers over her hair. "It's okay. Look at your jammies, baby." She looks up to Niall, "Better than the hospital ones."

"Of course they are," Niall responds, sitting down next to her on the bed. He scoots closer to them, watching his daughter fall asleep in Gia's arms. "She's tired too, baby."

Gia remains silent, her eyes focused on Isabella. Niall's eyes pass across her face, brows dipping together. She's been quiet since Rhea and Harry left, almost afraid to let Isabella out of her sight. He decides not to say anything, slipping his arm around her waist and coaxing her back against him.

It's not long before Isabella is completely asleep, and the movie Gia had playing on the TV is over, but she hasn't budged an inch and Niall clears his throat, softly. "Should we put her in the crib, love?"

Said crib is on Niall's side of the bed, just a few feet away, but Gia stiffens at his question.

"Hey," Niall whispers, kissing the top of her head. "What's wrong?"

"I don't-" Gia cuts off. Slowly she looks up at him and Niall's heart sinks when he spots the same fear and anxiety in her eyes from when she first went to see Isabella in the NICU. "I don't want to put her down," she admits in a small whisper. "What if we're asleep and something happens to her, Niall?"

Niall frowns, sitting up straighter, "Don't say that, baby. She's going to be fine." He tries to exude confidence, assure Gia his words are true, but as a new father even he is nervous.

Gia considers his words, "The doctor said she's perfectly healthy."

"She did," Niall replies. He dips his head and kisses Gia's shoulder. "Baby you need to rest too. Your body is exhausted."

"What about you? You're tired too."

Niall sighs, "I am..."

For a moment, the silence that he relished in earlier is unnerving. The certainty that the beeping machines gave is gone. It's just two, brand new parents and their sleeping newborn.

"What if we keep her with us," Niall proposes finally. "Just for tonight."

"We'll squish her," Gia grumbles, kissing Isabella's head.

Niall's lips lift up into a smile, "We won't squish her. We'll put her on a pillow between us." Once Gia's asleep, he'll put Isabella in the crib and move it to Gia's side, just in case.

The anxiety in her features melts away and her eyes soften. She peers up at him, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, baby," he kisses her sweetly. "C'mon. You're falling asleep too."

They get Isabella situated and Niall waits until Gia is on her side, her hand pressed protectively over Isabella's body. He covers her hand with his. "Go to bed, Gia. She's okay. We're okay." He pauses, meeting her eyes, "I love you."

Gia smiles back at him, "I love you too, Niall."

Even though exhaustion is clipping at him, his eyes heavy, he waits until Gia's knocked out to move Isabella. When he gets back into bed and finally shuts the lights off, it's only a few seconds before Gia shifts in the bed, tucking her head against his bare chest, still sound asleep. 

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