Chapter six

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The next morning I woke up with Milly stilled wrapped up in my arms, she laid with her back against me still hand and hand. I looked at my phone the time was 12 o'clock in the afternoon, I groaned quietly.

The hangover wasn't nearly bad as I thought it would be, but my head still hurts. Here I was lying down with the most beautiful girl in the world, and for once in my life I didn't know what to do with her.
I lifted her hand to mouth and placed a lingering kiss on her knuckle "I'm gonna go" I whispered in her ear.

She nodded her head and stretched out even more I smiled at the sleeping beauty. After gathering my things I headed outside where the sun wasn't so kind. "Sweet California" I yelled throwing on my sunglasses, the snow from the previous night had melted away and the sun shined bright.

I started to Matt's house to drop of my gifts for the children, a part of me felt bad for not being in attendance last night.
"Uncle Brian!" They shouted hugging my legs, I pulled out a bag full of gifts and let them have at it.

"Awww Brian merry Christmas" Valary said taking me into her embrace, I gave her a tight squeeze "happy holidays Sis." She smiled inviting me into the kitchen where Matt sat eating leftovers.

"Heyyy merry Christmas Gates" his usually grumpy expression changed once he saw me, and it felt nice to be wanted by my friends.
"Sorry I couldn't make it last night guys I was busy" I said my words trailing off, Matt looked at me and smirked "looks like someone had a long night." My clothes were worn and my hair messy it definitely looked like I was up to no good.
"Nah man it wasn't like that, we just talked and drank a shit load of Jack."

He looked stunned and took a sip of his beer "okay so I'm guessing you weren't at a strip club?" I sucked my teeth hard "No I was with Milany."

"The chick from the bar!?!" He asks in disbelief, I nodded my head and smiled "she's so fucking cool" I said sounding like a goof.

"Uhh I don't know man she seems a little young" he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose "I know and get this she doesn't even know who we are!" I exclaimed, his eyes went wide "are you serious? So you just causally spent Christmas Eve with a girl and failed to disclose your identity? Brian you prick!" He laughed banging on the table "chill it isn't like that I'm going to tell her just not now... I want her to know Brian Haner not Synyster Gates"

"I still don't know about this Brian you and Michelle haven't even finalize-" I cut him off in mid sentence "Michelle didn't fucking wait did she Matt!"

"All I'm saying is get to know the girl before you fall in love with her asshole" He barked back. Over the years Matt and I have fought a handful of times but he was right, I couldn't fight my best friend over a girl I barley knew.

"I'll see you later Val" I called out to her, she come running into the kitchen "don't say bye to my wife" Matt huffed rolling his eyes.
"Matthew your acting like a child" Val protested, I just laughed "whatever Shads"

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