Chapter twentyone

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The next day we woke up early being that we fell asleep at 8:00 o'clock last night.
"What are the plans today babe?" I ask while watching her get dressed "later I have to work at the saloon but you have me until tonight" she smiled. I rolled my eyes when she looked away to hide my disdain I was starting to hate that job "babe you don't have to work" the tone in my voice clearly annoyed.

She smiled and leaned over to kiss me "I love working Brian I couldn't just live off of you" but she could.... literally.
"Okay" I huffed not wanting to start an argument "so what are we gonna do today baby boy?"

I loved when she called me that " I can think of a few things" I said with a smirk on my face. She giggled pushing me slightly "relax I'm still sore from this morning."

"Well today I kind of have to go shopping for new clothes, tour starts soon" I say trying to ease the question in there.
"Really? How exciting I'll help you shop I want you to look your best for the fans" she smiled, I blinked hard a few times was I hearing this correctly.

"So your going to be okay without me here for a few months?" I asked dumbfounded, she giggles throwing her head back in laughter "of course silly."
I furrowed my eyebrows together looking in her face trying to find the slightest bit of sadness but there wasn't any.

"Won't you miss me?" I say desperately "of course Brian but you have a job to do and I'm sure you'll be okay." But I wouldn't be something terrible was bound to happen, I had no self control. Women... alcohol and drugs were apart of any tour no doubt but I'm not married anymore and the world knows it.

"Come with me" I blurt out, the room fell silent and Milany stood there processing my offer "I can't just pick up and leave Brian I made a promise to Johnny he needs me."

"But I need you..." I whispered only loud enough for myself to hear, she smiled rubbing my shoulder "come on let's go make you sexy... sexier"


"Your so hot" Milly said biting her lip, I took a deep breath in lord knows that girl had the fullest lips on the planet.
"Your so hot" I challenged back, she smirked and stood on her toes to give me a kiss "mmmmmm" I said savoring her love.

"I think I've done enough shopping for the day wanna grab a bite?" I ask casually, she nods taking my hand.
"Let's get pizza and wings" she suggested and I smiled, nothing Is better then a girl who knows what wants.

We headed to a nearby pizza parlor and ordered a large pie and a basket of wings. After a few minutes the food was ready and it tasted great nothing beats Nino's pizza... ever.

"So I wanna ask you again" I start wiping the corners of my mouth "will you please come on tour with us?" She stopped eating and sighed heavily "I'm sorry Brian but I don't think I can, I'll talk to Johnny tonight and see what he thinks."

I smiled softly at least it was a start and I'm sure I could convince ole Johnny to give my girl some time off. But I secretly hoped she would just quit all together I hated the way those men in the bar would thirst after her. It sounded selfish but I make enough money to support us both, I wonder what her dreams are I could make them a reality.

We ate our food and headed back to my place and Milly started to get ready for work, it was almost nine o'clock we spent the entire day shopping.
"What do you think Slayer or Megadeath?" She asked holding up two shirts and I suddenly got an idea.

"Neither put this on" I said tossing her a shirt with our logo on it, she held it up going red in embarrassment "Brian I can't."

"Yes you can don't you think our band is cool?" I say, she nods and pulls the shirt over her head "got any scissors?"
I search through the nightstand and hand her a pair, she then cuts the next off the shirt so it hung at her shoulders, then cuts the bottom off creating a cropped style shirt.

She slips on a pair black jeans with a bunch of pockets giving her a sexy "punk rock" look. "Woah babe alert" I say faking a heart attack "you should have seen me in high school" she jokes.

Soon Milany had to leave for work and I mopped around until she left "I'll swing by the bar later to see you" I say kissing her deeply. She wraps her arms around my neck burying her face into my chest "until later my love."

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