Chapter Seventeen

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Milly's p.o.v

"Can I ask you something?" I say nervously, Val smiles handing the bartender a twenty "anything"

I sighed heavily glancing back at Brian it was like I didn't even know him "what's going on?" She laughed heading back to the table "it's only rock n roll babe."

I stopped in my tracks as she went back to the boys "it's only rock n roll" I repeated out loud. It was apparent Brian told them about our dispute earlier and now they were playing some sick joke on me. But fortunately for Brian I loved to play games... tonight was going to be fun may the biggest asshole win.
I put on my sexiest smirk strutting my way back over to Brian, our eyes met and his lips curled into a sinister smirk. He held his arms open for me and I sat down on his lap making sure to wiggle my hips a bit, he shifted uncomfortably under my weight "relax" I said playfully winking.

We all sat around drinking shot after shot sharing any embarrassing story that popped into our heads "remember that time we ate so many shrooms we were molding together!" Brian shouted causing Matt to spit out his beer and die of laughter.

"That was the first time we played in Europe I thought we wouldn't make it back to the arena on time."

Just as we were about to leave for the next location a song I barley recognized started to play "I love this song dance with me!" Val screamed taking my hands, we spun around in circles and jumped up and down like maniacs while the boys watched us amused.

Matt stood up and offered a hand to his wife "mind if I cut in?" He asks scooping her up into his arms, I watched in awe as the married couple dance slowly to the rather fast song playing.

I sat down in the chair furthest away from Brian and finished my beer washing it down with two fireball shots.
"Woo!" I was starting to feel the buzz as the alcohol surged through my body.

"Come on" Brian said yanking me up from my chair, we headed outside into his car "next stop" was all he said before speeding down the street.

I didn't oblige instead I kept quiet as he sped down the rode Matt and Val not far behind us. We pulled up to the next club it was packed and loud music poured from the inside. People hung from every corridor and for some strange reason I got this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.

We quickly found Matt and Val at a table furthest away from the crowed of people "this place is live" Val gushed seeing all the party people.

A few moments passed and we ordered another round of drinks when a small red headed girl approaches the table.
"Oh my god your Synyster Gates" she gawked earning a cheeky smile from Brian "always a pleasure meeting my people."
She squealed jumping up and down slightly it didn't take her long to acknowledge Matt and Val "is this your girlfriend she's totally hot" she asks Brian.

He stood stuck for a moment not saying anything not that he wanted to. No way was I going to be some kept secret so before he could talk I butted in "nope just a friend of the band" I said smiling brightly.
I turned my attention back to Val her mouth hung wide open but it was soon replaced by a smirk "eight fireball shots and a basket of fries?" The waiter asks setting down our things "thank you" I said only loud enough for him to hear, he looked down at me smiling. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't absolutely gorgeous, Brian cleared his throat handing him a bill "keep the change kid."

We sat in an awkward silence Brian glancing over at me every few seconds but I paid him no mind, after tonight I know where we stood.
As time passed the guys become more and more wasted, currently Brian was standing on top of the table forcing strangers to take shots.

"Take the shot. Take the shot mmmmmm yummy" he cheered, I stood up finally having enough "I'm going to the bathroom."

I pushed my way through the crowed of people and out into the front of the club, it was quiet enough outside for me to think.
"Leave now or fix the mess you created" I contemplated with myself, because In truth tonight was my fault.

I decided to shake those thoughts off and go back inside, I went to the bar for another drink but what I saw shocked me. Brian was at the bar talking with the same red head from earlier only this time she was to close for comfort. She ran her hand up his arm tilting her head to the side slightly, he smirked loving the way she gushed over him.

Then the unthinkable happened she leaned over and placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth, he smirked and leaned over to whisper something in her ear.
She blushed a deep shade of red and bit her lip smiling brightly, and that was enough for me.
I walked over to them picking up the first drink I saw and poured it on top of her head "bitch!" She screamed getting up into my face.

A wicked grin spread across my face as I put two fingers up to the girls head "and what are you going to do about it?" With each word I pushed her head back slightly daring for her to make a move.
She reached out to slap me but in her stupid drunken state she missed making a complete fool of herself. I laughed feeling slightly accomplished and the girl ran away soaked "nice job babe" Brian beamed pulling me into his arms.

I scoffed pushing away from him "In your dreams asshole I'm out of here have a nice life SYN." His mouth hung open in shock as the panic set in on his face "wait!" He called after me, I kept walking until I was back outside in the cool night air "Milly!" He screamed once again sounding desperate, I looked around to try and find an escape route with Brian right on my heels.

"Milany just let me explain" he yelled, just then the sound of somebody revving up the engine of a motorcycle cause my attention "need a ride?" It was the bartender from earlier, I hesitantly looked back at Brian who stood there waiting for me to make a move.
"Milany if you get on that goddamn bike I swear your boy toy is going to get the beating of his life."

I stared between the two men "hey princess just let me take you home" the waiter says, I nod hesitantly and threw my leg over the bike sitting comfortably behind him.
"Hold on"

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