Chapter Twenty

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Regular p.o.v

I woke up the next morning still wrapped up in my love, she was sleeping so peacefully. I smiled placing a soft kiss on her nose last night was amazing, and it was safe to say I'd never let go of this amazing girl laying beside me.

I got up making sure to be quiet so Milly wouldn't wake up, I pulled on my shorts and headed downstairs. Matt was sitting at the table in the same state I was, clearly he and Val shared a happy ending last night as well.
"Dude" I said, he looked up and smiled "so tell me brother... was it worth the wait?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"It's safe to say Milany is the sweetest lover I've ever had... literally" he smirked nodding his head and Val came walking into the kitchen.
"Where's my girl?" She says frowning, I laughed giving her a side hug "Milly is out like a light."

"Well someone had a goodnight, I'm going to bring her some clothes"
I poured myself some coffee and sat down beside Matt "so we're heading back on the road soon are you excited?"

"Yeah definitely it's been a while since we've seen the fans I miss them terribly" and I meant that our fans were our world. Without the sevenfold family we'd be nothing so yeah it was time to get back on the road.
"Me too man it's going to be awesome hearing them sing all of our songs, are you going to invite Milany?"

"I don't know things have been going so well... actually things are great I can't just ask her to pick up and leave for months." He pressed his lips into a straight line and nodded "well what are you going to do not see her for months?"

I haven't thought about that it would be almost impossible not to see Milany everyday for three months, I was truly smitten.
"Shit I hadn't even thought of that" he sipped his coffee and then set the mug back down "it'll be good having her on the road she'll keep you on track."

He was right I was known to get a little wild on tour especially in a foreign place, and besides would Milly be okay without me here?
"I'll figure it out man and thanks again for last night" he smirked "oh no problem what are brothers for?"

We sat around for a while until the girls came back downstairs looking fresh, Milly plopped down next to me and pecked my cheek.
"Good morning gorgeous" I smiled, she smelled amazing I could lye next to her all day.

"Sorry about last night" she said shyly and Matt laughed "mi casa es su casa" he said casually. A few hours passed and we decided to just shack it up here for a while, we ordered food and watched movies all day. By the time 7:00 rolled around Milly and I were exhausted, we quickly said our goodbyes and headed to my condo because it was closer.

When we got home she started to strip at the door making a b line for the bed "someone's sleepy" I laughed, watching the grown women sprawl out across the bed.
"Hold me" she whispered it gave me a flashback from the first night we ever spent together, I came out of my clothes and laid down next to her.
"Come here" I whispered pulling her into my arms "mmmmm" she mumbled into the crook of my neck "I love you" I said.

She sat up quickly placing a few kisses on my lips "and I love you my little rockstar." Eventually I would have to ask if she'd join me and the guys and I'd hope she said yes.

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