Chapter Sixteen

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"So your telling me that you want Val and I to dress up like 2005 to prove some sick point to your girlfriend?"

I knew I'd get the most backlash from Matt, Valary on the other hand would do whatever to help.
"It's the only way for her to see I'm past that stage and I'd much rather be kind and not an obnoxious jerk.

It was silent for a moment and I could tell he was in deep thought "dude you owe me.... big time"
"Yes!" I shouted earning an amused look from Val "your the best" I kissed Matt's cheek causing him to groan loudly before trudging up the steps.

"Now I'm off to make myself look like the Syn of old... heat damage and bad eye makeup, meet me at Johnny's around 10 we've got a show to put on."

I left without an extra word and headed back home it nearing 8 o'clock so I had a while to get ready. I dug through my closet looking for something that screamed the words "douchebag"
Once I found something suitable I showered rinsing myself clean of adulthood, whenI was finished I decided to start on my hair. I reluctantly pulled out my straighteners and instead of sculpting my hair into its usual updo I began to work the heat through my scalp. It's been years since I've touched one of these things but something about the smell of my burning hair was comforting.

After mentally slapping myself for looking 25 again I smeared a heaping load of black eyeliner around my eyelids.
"Wow" I gawked at the man in the mirror I couldn't even recognize myself.

As 10 o'clock inched closer I found myself getting more and more nervous, I anxiously bounced my leg up and down trying to calm my nerves.
It was time I told everyone including Milany to meet up at the bar so at least she wouldn't see my shame until later.
When I got there I automatically noticed Matt's sports car and pulled up on the side of him, he rolled down the window just enough and I instantly got a flashback.
It was a scene from the beast and the harlot music video, Matt did a freakishly good job on his own makeup.
"Dude this is so fucking weird" he gushed upon seeing my appearance "totally" I agreed.

He wore a black muscle tee and black dress pants, his makeup was bright purple and green making his hazel eyes pop. Matt had gone all out he even put in grills and a fake lip ring "you son of a bitch" I joked failing to contain my laughter.

He rolled his eyes covering his face "it's your fault Halloween came early this year" Val laughed but for some reason she didn't look out of place.

"Hey don't look at me I'm still hot" Matt grabbed his wife's hand leading her into the bar, it was a weeknight thank god nobody would be here to see this.
"Wow" I turned around to see Milly wearing a tight black dress that came to the middle of her thigh. The hair on her head no longer curly but bone straight stoping right above the arch of her back.

"At least you girls look amazing" Matt sighed as we found a table, I could sense his annoyance and I tried to shake it off.

"So Brian you want to tell me what's going on?" She asked, it was time for me to put on the bad boy act "the name is Synyster... Syn for short babe"

Each of their mouths hung open in shock maybe this wasn't going to be so hard, I adverted my eyes to Matt nudging my head slightly.
"Shads" he extended his hand to her which she hesitantly shook.

"Umm....drinks we need drinks!" Val blurted grabbing Milany's hand and pulling her to the bar. "Do not get carried away tonight, the point of this is to show her everything you used to be. Not under any circumstances do you need to forget who you are, act like Syn but remain Brian."

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