Chapter twelve

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"I'm here I'm here" I yelled waving my arms around "come on she's inside" Johnny said leading the way.

"In the back" he pointed nervously at the couch near the pool table, she was sprawled out with a pile of throw up next to her. Water bottles everywhere even a basket of fries "I don't know what's she's on man but it's all my fault" he weeped. I furrowed my eyebrows together "what do you mean your fault?" I had to refrain myself from beating the shit out of him.

"She came into work already hammered so I insisted she take the night off, then after a few more shots she made friends with a basset and his band. They high tail it out of here and they drop her back off hours later BLASTED looking like the fucking rocket queen."

"She's high?" I shouted in disbelief "most definitely on something but I can't figure out what it is."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and gave him the keys to my car "I'm taking her to my house and your coming." He gulped hard then left to bring the car around, I walked over to Milany and lifted her hand into the air. It instantly dropped back down like dead weight I panicked "please don't be fucking dead."

I picked her up bridal style and walked to the car, I sat in the backseat while Johnny drove. "Why?" I sighed looking down at her, we got here fast enough and just as Johnny was about to get out I stopped him.

"No no no, you need to find fucking whatever convenience store is open and fix this, I'm talking Advil and ginger ale loads of it." I shoved my card at him "oh and she doesn't have anything to wear"

I somehow managed to get her upstairs alone, I sat her on the couch and went to start the shower. I carried to the bathroom and started to undress her, it was fine up until she was in her undies and I got uncomfortable. "No fucking way" I couldn't bring myself to go any further so I scooped her up and sat in the tub with her.

She stirred a bit from the shock of the water "atta girl" I said moving her hair out of her face. A few minutes but still nothing whatever she took needed to get out of her system, without thinking I stuck my finger in the back of her throat.

She blew chunks everywhere "keep going" I said encouraging her, the gaging soon turned to cries.
"Help me" she cried softly clutching on to my hands for dear life.
"Shh shh shh I'm here"

I sat her up in the tub wrapping a big towel around her frame, then carried her into my bedroom.
"Milany I need you to undress yourself" I said looking away she lifted her arms up "I have nothing to hide besides it's apart of your job rockstar boy."

My jaw hung open, was I the cause behind all this madness? Hesitantly I unhooked her bra from the front. It hung off her shoulders slightly revealing her cleavage, I had to look away it was to much for me to handle at the moment. I desperately searched in my drawers for clothes, I found an old band tee and some sweats "perfect."

I quickly put the shirt on her and snatched off her bra at the same time, it was soaked. Then I gathered all her clothes and threw them in the wash, it was almost five am and Johnny still wasn't back yet.

Not really knowing where to go from here I laid down next to Milly. She was sound asleep still beautiful even with throw up in her hair, I pulled her close carefully so she wouldn't wake. Everything was so quiet and the soft sound of her snoring sounded like heaven to me, for some odd reason I looked at the picture of Jimmy on my nightstand.

He was laughing and pointing, usually I slept on the right side because It made feel closer to him. But tonight he was pointing and laughing at Milly "I know Jimbo... if only right?"

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