Chapter Four: The Storm Giant King, Part One

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     As the tower sailed across the cold night desert, the party sat around Zephyr to hear his story.

     "I was a loyal giant to the storm giant king. I was his scientist, studying the world of the unknown. We cloud giants are forbidden to study magic because... well, several reasons, but the main reason is that it 'corrupts' the user."

     Ledias passed out tea to the party while Zephyr talked. She dragged a cauldron filled with tea to  Zephyr.

      "Ah, thanks Ledias. Now, that saying that magic 'corrupts' the user? It wasn't true, I mean, technically it was, but all in all it wasn't true. The storm giant king just didn't want a rival for the throne, since he used magic himself to get the throne. Heck, he didn't even need to use magic! Everyone already loved him. He used magic for the benefit of himself, not for his kind."

     "So you studied magic because you wanted to push over the current king for not being a communist?" Slayer asked.

     "Ha, funny, but no. I studied magic because 'The Voice' called me to do it," Zephyr explained. He started to have this crazy look in his eyes again.

     "'The Voice'? A talent show told you to study magic?"

     "No! I don't know who or what it is, but all I do know is that 'The Voice' is always right... most of the time. One time 'The Voice' told me to light a barrel filled with oil on fire and it said that it wouldn't explode. Well, it exploded."

     "'Wow! I can't believe the barrel filled with oil I set on fire exploded!' Is probably what you thought when it exploded, isn't it?" Sorvex sarcastically stated.

     "Yeah, basically," Zephyr agreed. "Back on topic, 'The Voice' told me to help you guys so you could help me stop the storm giant king from taking over the world."

     "That... doesn't sound very good." Slayer said, worried. "But why does he want to rule the world?"

     "Is Slayer actually asking an intelligent question for once!?" Phil asked sarcastically.

     "Why do you treat me like I'm autistic?"

     "Maybe because you are."

     "Enough!" Zephyr yelled, shocking the party. They've never seen him aggressive before. "As I said before, the storm giant king wants to take over the world because he believes that he is a god since literally everyone of his followers told him so,and he wants to make this world 'perfect' by controlling everyone with his throne. The throne is made out of magical obsidian that allows the user to control whoever it wants, as long as his will is stronger than theirs. That's what 'The Voice' told me."

     "Wait, if it's magical, couldn't I just use Dispel Magic?" Ledias questioned.

     "Oh, I wish it was that easy. I tried using that spell before. I broke into his little throne room and used that spell, but it didn't even work. The most it did was give me some kind of disruption in my leg," he lifted his robe slightly, revealing his leg. A long black... thing wriggled on his thigh. It pulsated and twitched. The material was pure black it seemed to be a tear in the fabric of reality and time itself.

     "Can I touch it, I ask in a posed look," Justin asked, not in a posed look.

     "Sure," Zephyr answered.

     Justin approached the black sludge and cautiously put her hand on the black thing. It rippled when they made contact. Meanwhile, the tower started to slow down as it reached its destination: the middle of the desert.

     "Why can't we just break in and kick the presumed giant king out of his throne?" Slayer questioned.

     "Didn't I say that he believes that he is a god due to his followers giving that thought into is mind overtime? And he soon believed that due to a good reason. He has never lost in a battle, no matter the circumstances. The tides of war could be extremely unfair, 1,000,000 to one, but he'd still win," Zephyr explained.

No Storm Lasts Forever, a DND inspired story, by Allan ConcilladoWhere stories live. Discover now