Chapter Four: The Storm Giant King, Part Seven

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     Midnight laid the unconscious bodies of Cyprus and Ledias on the floor of the boat and tended to their wounds. He wasn't the best at medicine, but at least he tried. He wrapped bandages around their wounds and poured some healing potions down their throats. Phil sat Orinus down on a chair and did the same to him.

     Once he was done, Phil turned towards Charon. "Who sent you here? Why are you doing this?" he asked.

     "Death sent me here and told me to bring you to your destination via ferry," Charon answered.

     "Didn't Death die?"

     "Death can't die. War can't die. They can't die. Those were just their physical forms. I guess you could say that they came in the flesh to fight Solul, but not in the spirit." Charon explained. "Now, rest, for this ride will be long," he suggested.

     Kurtis nodded. He laid by Ledias and stared at her. He was glad that she was okay, but he felt the sting of regret for selfishly thinking for his own survival during that fight and not for Ledias's or the rest of the party's safety. The thought strained his mind, so he decided to sleep it away. This moment in their history would stain them forever.

     Midnight sat by Orinus and closed his eyes. Orinus sighed. "To be honest, I don't regret traveling with you guys, for I have met my new love. I don't regret a moment of it," he closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

     After three hours, the ferry shook as it came to a stop. The party awoke and looked around confused. "Damn, Slayer better not be causing a ruckus, hehe," Phil said as he yawned. "Right, Slay..." He then remembered: Slayer, Sorvex, and Justin were no more. He fell silent and shook his head before getting up. "C'mon guys, get up. We're here." He shook everyone awake.

     What he didn't know was that Ledias didn't actually get any sleep. She did faint, but she woke up later on and didn't get any rest. Her face was more paler than usual. She stared up at the ceiling with her mind filled with too many thoughts to process. Her eyes were dry and sunken from the lack of sleep. She had deep eye bags and she became a lot more skinnier. She wanted to go home and sleep and be with her family. Ledias was only 18, her birthday passing not so long ago, and she still had a long path for her life to follow, but now that path seemed too unsure for her to go through. It could easily lead to an abyss of death and destruction now. She couldn't even cry anymore. She ran out of tears to spare.

     Midnight opened his eyes and yawned. He then shook Orinus awake. "W-what?" Orinus woke up, confused about what was happening.

     "We have arrived at your destination," Charon announced. He opened the door that lead to the outside. "Any last questions?" he asked as the party packed up to leave.

     Ledias approached him first. "I have a question. Do you know how we end?" she asked. He nodded. She grabbed his shoulders. "Then tell me: when do I die?" Her eyes were crazy and insane. She couldn't control herself. If she was gonna die soon, she wanted to bring down Solul with her.

     Phil grabbed her shoulder. She looked back at him with her eyes wide open, filled with agony and grief. Phil just stared back at her. "No," he simply said. She shook off his arm and walked outside.

     Orinus got up and approached Phil. "Do you think she'll be alright?" he asked. Phil kept looking at her. He finally shook his head.

     "I don't know," Phil answered.

     The rest of the party got off the ferry and gave a gold coin as a tip to Charon. He bowed and the boat moved back towards the sea.

     The island was abandoned, well, it seemed to be. There were no humanoid made structures except for a pathway leading up the hill. Mosquitos filled the area and bit them whenever they had a chance. Some of the trees were bent from the wind with fruits hanging from the tops. Phil took one and started to eat it on the way. Along the pathway were some swamps. The swamps has some fish in them, but some had crocodiles too.

No Storm Lasts Forever, a DND inspired story, by Allan ConcilladoWhere stories live. Discover now