Chapter Five: The Party At The Mansion, Part Five

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     "You gotta be kidding me," Phil sighed. The entire room was filled with hundreds of instruments.

     "I am not kidding! Defeat me in a musical showdown and I'll let you through!" the elf said. "My name is Kira-"

     "Oh god, is he gonna monologue about his back story?" Slayer complained.

     "How did you know?!" Kira yelled.

     "Does he also have a hand fetish?" George asked.

     Justin snapped her fingers. "Heyyyy, I get that reference."

     Kira blushed and covered his face. "How do you already know so much about me?" he asked

     George shrugged. "It's just a gut feeling," he answered.

      "Whatever! Who cares about my name! I challenge you to a musical showdown!" Kira yelled. "Pick up an instrument and let's start jamming!"

     Phil raised his hand. "How about no?"

     "You dare defy me?!" Kira screeched with outrage.

     "I mean, we could stab you right here right now, but we just want to get out of here," Phil said.

     "Oh really? Then where are you weapons?" Kira asked with a smirk.

     Phil sighed. "Sorvex, you're up," he called.

     Sorvex purred and swung his three sharp tails around the room, scratching the floor and walls in front of him.

     "You think that's gonna hurt me?" Kira asked as placed his hand on the neck of the guitar and the other at the body. He flicked the strings and an explosion rang out, blasting Sorvex back towards the doorway. Ace jumped to the side and caught him before he fell into the endless void.

     The adventurers covered their ears and winced in pain. "Owwww," Slayer groaned as he covered his "ears" with his wings.

     "The only thing that can hurt me is music!" Kira claimed. "Now, pick up an instrument and fight me!"

     "We don't wanna!" Slayer complained and whimpered. "None of us are fluent in music."

     "Music's not a language you idiot!" Sorvex scolded him.

     Justin raised her hand. "I-I can try," she said.

     "Ah, the elven bard," Kira said.

     "I'm a t-tiefling!" Justin replied as she walked up to the guitar, similar to Kira's, and picked it up from its stand. She then walked over to the grand piano and sat down in the seat.

     "Good luck Cherry, we believe in you," Ledias called.

     Justin gave a thumbs up and looked up at Kira. "You're gonna hate this song," she said as she strummed the guitar.

     "Oh GOD! Not that song!" he screeched as he covered his ears. "Make it stop! I've already heard that melody millions of times!"

     "Never!" Justin kept strumming the guitar and pressed a button on it, causing the guitar to constantly loop a melody. She then turned around and started to play the piano.

     "Oh, I know that song," Slayer said as he watched.

     Kira writhed on the floor while shrieking and covering his ears. "Make it stop!" he screamed.

     "Will you let us t-through?" Justin asked.

     "Fine! Just make the music stop!" Kira agreed.

No Storm Lasts Forever, a DND inspired story, by Allan ConcilladoWhere stories live. Discover now