Chapter Four: The Storm Giant King, Part Five

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     I am next, another voice called. It was also unfamiliar to them. Its voice was raspy and sickly. It sent shivers down the party's spine. The portal grew a bit bigger and a large skeleton, 30 feet tall, came out of it. "I am Pestilence!" The skeleton yelled. In a blink of an eye, it was already with the others, Death and War, and shot diseases and bugs at Solul as he was pinned to the ground by War.

     The hydra now had ten heads and was running around crazily, shooting acid towards the giants. Most of the giants suffocated and died from the acidic gas, but the large fire giant still wasn't affected. His armor was being slowly digested by the plants, but he was still pushing through.

     Kurtis still caused more confusion in the army's ranks by making them distrust each other and cause a mutiny.

     The fire giant roared and hill giants threw rocks at the party. They dodged, but Zephyr couldn't since he was busy catching lightning bolts. The boulder slammed into Zephyr, knocking the giant into the ground, dropping his staff. The skies rumbled and lightning struck the earth, hitting Orinus and Cyprus. Orinus wasn't affected by it, since the helmet strengthened him, but Cyprus didn't have any gear that improved her physical ability. The lightning struck the ground by her feet and blew her up. She was sent flying towards the flames.

     "Cyprus!" Orinus yelled and flew towards her with adrenaline coursing through his veins. Cyprus's skin nearly touched the fire as Orinus jumped and tackled her to the other side of the flames onto safe ground. They rolled around until they stopped. Orinus gasped for breath and looked at Cyprus to see if she had any injuries. She did. Her skin was badly burnt and her foot was bent weirdly, but at least she's breathing and alive. Orinus was satisfied with that. He stood up slowly, supporting Cyprus, but nearly fell since he too took damage. He fell on his knees and groaned. He needed to get her out of the battlefield, but when he looked around, he saw that a group of giants have surrounded them, weapons ready and smirking. "Oh no."

     Phil was busy causing another mutiny within the army of giants, but one of the frost giants grabbed him midair and tossed him aside. He rolled around the dirt and broke a few ribs. "Gah!" he yelped in pain and slowly stood up, only to be kicked by a hill giant towards the fire. He fell to the ground, blood dripping from his head and mouth. He got up and pulled out his crossbow. He wasn't going to go down without a fight. The frost giant approached him and raised its club.

     Ledias ran over to Zephyr and tried to help him up. The rocks from the hill giants kept being launched at them. Most of the rocks missed, but one of the smaller rocks smashed into Ledias's head. She was nearly sent flying and almost blacked out, but by sheer will power, she still stood up and helped Zephyr. To her eyes, the world seemed blurry and red, since the blood on her forehead traveled down her eye and face. She clenched her teeth and fully raised the giant as Zephyr regained his strength and caught the rest of the lightning bolts before they struck the party, but not in time.

     One of the lightning bolts struck down and zapped Ledias. She stood there with blank eyes and fell to the floor. She couldn't think and her heart nearly stopped beating, but she bit her tongue to regain her senses. She yelled in frustration and stood up. Her body shook from the pain and the lack of blood, but she stood strong, and then fell on her knees. She barely had enough strength to stay conscious and breathe.

     Justin concentrated her energy on covering the fire giant with the plants. They were slowly digesting him, but it was very slow since he was wearing armor and the heat from the flames healed him. The fire giant took another step and smirked.

     "We should help her," Slayer said.

     "I agree," Sorvex nodded his head. They charged towards the fire giant, but the ground underneath them shook and trembled. "What the-" a hand popped out of the ground and grabbed Slayer and squeezed him. Slayer yelled and breathed fire, but it was useless.

No Storm Lasts Forever, a DND inspired story, by Allan ConcilladoWhere stories live. Discover now