Chapter One: Nightstone, Part Four

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     As the corpse hovered above Ledias, she tried to run out the door, but it closed on her, sealed shut. She turned around just in time to see the spectors hand reach towards her face. As a reaction, she unsheathed her sword and swung at the ghost. The sword flew and clang against the wall. It was too small of a space to swing it.

     The Spector went through the sword as if it never existed and grabbed her face.

      It felt as if all of her life was being sucked out. Nothing matters anymore.... Thoughts of death and depression entered her mind as her soul was slowly getting sucked up.

     She didn't know what gave her that final push of strength, but her lungs filled with air and she screamed as loud as she could. She screamed out of sadness, disparity, and pain. But the one thing that she screamed for the most, was to not be alone.

     The wall of the tomb suddenly exploded with a loud roar from Grog. When he heard the sorrowed scream of Ledias, he instantly came to his senses and charged where he heard the noise. His mind was broken, but mended at the same time. He finally knew who he was.

     Since Grog was a baby, all that he could remember was the pain of a whip hitting his body. His race, the Goliaths, were commonly captured and sold as slaves. They were looked down upon as monsters of society and also as hard workers. They were captured, worked, tortured, and executed into extinction.

     There were only roughly 2,000 Goliaths left in the world. Almost all of them were slaves. Grog and his parents were runaways. Grog was only a child back then. They were running away as the humans charged at them with swords and whips screaming, "Get back here you slaves! If you leave, we will find you and make you go through something worse than death!"

     They ignored these death threats and kept running. "Son!" Said Grog's mother through quick gasps of breath. "There's a family I know in the north. We've been communicating with each other for generations. If you get there, they'll take care of you,"

     An arrow whizzed by and sank its head into the back of his fathers skull as he fell down into the dirt. "Papa!" Grog screamed in terror as he saw his father die right in front of him.

     "That was a warning shot, you imbecile! Now next time I say warning shot, miss!" scolded the general behind them.

     As they ran in the fields, the ground gave out and Grog fell through. His mother screamed his name and ran back where he fell, only to get stabbed by one of the soldiers. "Got the mother! Find the child!" He yelled. They cheered and charged forward.

     Grog sat there in the hole, traumatized about what he just saw. He sat there, hugging his broken leg, covered in scars. That's when his mind broke in two. He was never the same after that. At times he stayed as a child, and other times he became a brainless beast, doing whatever instinct told him to do.

     When he still had his senses intact, he got out of the hole and started in the direction his mother told him, limping and starving after 18 days of hiding in that hole. His mind was slowly starting to break. He could feel his memories start to slip away. The tall trees surrounding him made him feel like he was going to be crushed by them, but as he looked up at the sky, he saw the beautiful stars dancing freely in the heavens. The trees started to glow as fireflies flew off of them and soared through the air. Butterflies of many colors boastfully showed off their beautiful colors as they flapped around.

     Everything seemed so free there in that beautiful forest. Spirits glowing colors that even humans have not seen danced before him leading him on a journey to his safe haven. As he chased the colorful spirits, he saw a house in the distance. It was a small house made out of brick and wood, and smoke arose from the chimneys.

No Storm Lasts Forever, a DND inspired story, by Allan ConcilladoWhere stories live. Discover now