Chapter Five: The Party At The Mansion, Part Twelve

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     They all stared at the man. His aura of magic was literally suffocating, as if every ounce of air was gone when near him.

     "Who are you?!" Sancho asked as he held his chest. His skin was burnt severely.

     "I have many names," the man said as he fixed his hat with his long skinny arms. "Some call me the devil, others call me an angel, but a lot of you know me as-"

     "Commander Timber," Grog said as he stood up.

     "Commander Timber?!" they all yelled in unison.

     Timber grinned and bowed to them. "Yup, that's me, your one and only." He looked down at the decaying Midnight. "Looks like your time is coming to an end, old friend."

     Midnight clawed at the dirt and groaned in pain. "Go kill yourself," he muttered.

     Timber scratches his chin and looked like he was actually considering it. He then shook his head. "Nah," he said and snapped his fingers.

     From above Midnight's head, a giant battle axe fell from the sky and decapitated him.

     "Midnight!" Sorvex screamed and ran up to Timber. "You bastard!" He unsheathed his daggers and slashed at him, but Timber dodged all of his attacks.

     Timber lifted up his foot and tripped Sorvex, making him fall to the ground. "I see that you also have a death wish," Timber said as hundreds of swords floated above him.

     As the swords came crashing down, Alexander and Sancho came forward and took the hit for him. They covered him with their backs. The swords penetrated their bodies and exited their chests, covering Sorvex in blood.

     The soldiers roared with rage when they saw their commander get stabbed. They all charged at Timber with their blades at the ready.

     Timber looked back at them. "I don't have time to deal with trash right now." He stomped his foot on the dirt and pillars of purple flames shot up from the ground, killing all of the soldiers. They all melted into goo.

     Justin got on her knees and barfed. Timber eyed her and smiled. "Little girl, are you alright?" he asked while walking up to her and kneeling down to look at her face.

     She looked up at him with rage. "Go to hell," she hissed. From the ground, hundreds of vines surrounded him and wrapped his arms and legs tightly.

     Orinus got up and took a deep breath along with Slayer. They both spewed our fire onto Timber.

     Justin wiped her mouth and ran over to Sancho and Alexander. "Are you two alright?" she asked.

     Alexander chuckled. "I'm alright little one." He looked up at her. "You're a Tiefling?"

     "You can finally see me now?" she asked.

     "Yeah, I think so..." Alexander looked at Sancho. "Oh... I see what's happening now..."

     "Hey old friend," Sancho chuckled as blood spilled from his lips.

     Justin took out the blades from their bodies while trying to patch them up as Slayer and Orinus tried to keep Timber back with their flames. The vines burnt away, but Timber was still being pushed back. He covered his face with his hand to protect himself from the flames.

     "You stubborn dragonborns!" Timber yelled as he pushed forward. He pointed at them with his free hand and then pointed at the sky. From above, the white clouds solidified and turned into hard rock ice and fell to the ground.

No Storm Lasts Forever, a DND inspired story, by Allan ConcilladoWhere stories live. Discover now