Chapter Five: The Party At The Mansion, Part One

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As Ledias and Kurtis danced the day away, the main doors opened again and a group of adventurers walked in. People looked over at them and frowned. They couldn't believe that they would bring their pet monkey to the party.

A young female Paladin in leather armor stood there awkwardly with a large gorilla to her side.

The gorilla had human clothes on with a green hat on its head.

Behind the gorilla, a young wizard looked around. She was very young, maybe twelve.

Another girl entered with cladded in heavy armor plating on her. She seemed to be some kind of special knight.

One of the attendees walked over to the Paladin girl. "Excuse me, but no pets allowed to the party," he stated.

The girl looked over. "Oh, he's not a pe-"

Before she could finish, the gorilla stood on its feet and grabbed the man by his collar. "What did you say about me being a pet?!" the gorilla yelled.

"Gah! It's a furry!" the man yelled. As he was shaken around like a doll.

The wizard tapped the gorilla on its shoulder. "It's a party, put him down," he said calmly.

The gorilla looked up at him. "He called my a pet and then called me a furry!" he yelled. "Let's see how you like it if I called you an ape and a fleshy!"

The knight walked over and slapped the gorilla's hand. "I can make you a 'fleshy,'" the knight said intimidatingly. The knight's voice sounded extremely light and girly, as if from a baby. Nobody took her seriously except for the gorilla. He whimpered and backed up a little bit.

Ledias looked over at the new group of heroes chatting. "Are those the heroes the dwarven king talked about?" she asked Phil.

They stopped dancing momentarily and he too looked over at the small group. "Yeah, looks like it. Should we go say hi?"

Ledias nodded. She let go of Phil and walked over to the new small group of heroes.

Before she could even reach them, Cyprus ran over and tackled the Paladin. "Friend!" Cyprus yelled as they rolled around the ground.

"Cyprus! Stop!" Orinus yelled as he ran over to them.

"No no, it's fine, I know her," the Paladin girl said. They sat up and hugged each other. Ledias, Phil, and the rest of the party came over to help.

Ledias helped them both up and shook Beth's hand. "Hi, I'm Ledias," Ledias greeted.

The other Paladin shook Ledias's hand shyly. Her short red hair covered her left eye. "Hi, I'm Beth, a Paladin."

"Oh look, you got another doctor friend," Phil joked as he patted Ledias in the back.

"Oh actually, I'm not a doctor. I was a nun," Beth Explained.

"Don't look like one with that outfit," Orinus commented.

Beth blushed. "I had no choice, this was the only armor I could afford," she answered.

"But what about your knight friend here?" Orinus asked as he went over to the overprotected knight. He raised his hand to shake theirs.

"Don't touch me you filthy beast," the high pitch voice yelled. They slapped Orinus's hand and turned away from him.

Orinus looked highly offended. He looked down at his hand and looked back up at Phil. Phil just shrugged.

"Cherry, don't be rude. Say sorry," the gorilla said as he walked over and patted the knight on their helmeted head. One of the bystanders tried to pet the gorilla as he comforted the knight. "Don't touch me or else I'll rip out your arm and shove it up your butt," he threatened.

No Storm Lasts Forever, a DND inspired story, by Allan ConcilladoWhere stories live. Discover now