Chapter Four: The Storm Giant King, Part Six

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     The party and their new allies charged at the incoming army of giants. The dwarven emperor jumped down from his mighty dragon and joined the battle.

     I am next! Another familiar voice called. It was the voice of conquest. It came through the portal, and all the portals closed and returned to being a box back at the tower. The most lifted from the battle field with Conquest standing tall. It roared and charged at the storm king. Conquest jumped up to the top of the tower and punched the storm giant king with hundreds of punches in seconds. Solul somehow kept dodging Conquest's attacks.

     The two armies collided and slashed at each other. It was power against numbers and skills. The giants had confidence and strength while the army of dwarfs, mercenaries, and the party has numbers and skills. Rami charged at the first smallest giant he saw and punched it so hard in the head that its head exploded. He did the same for each giant his size he encountered while screeching something about them making fun of his mom.

     The dwarven army were small, nimble, and quick. They used this to their advantage. They climbed up the giants leg and would stab them on their way towards their neck. They dug into their necks until their heads fell from their body. The giants swung their large weapons towards them, killing the dwarfs and mercenaries in the masses, but they would soon adapt to their attack patterns and fight back.

     Ledias placed her hood back in her backpack and took out her great sword. "The big one's mine!" she shouted and charged towards the large fire giant. He noticed her and slammed the ground with his shields, sending debris everywhere. Ledias blocked the debris and kept on charging at the giant.

     Midnight flew through the crowds of giants and slashed at them. He would shoot spells with his left hand and slash at the with his scythe with his right hand, all while screaming. His scream would make his enemies dizzy and fall to the ground, making them easy targets.

     The fire giant killed many mercenaries and dwarfs with his large shield. They were constantly being heated up due to the kinetic energy from slamming and moving the shield. He would also pick up the annoying little dwarfs and chuck them at the silver dragons, killing several at a time. He roared and spewed fire everywhere, making the party and their allies split two ways. The giants turned this into their advantage. They grabbed other giants and would throw them like frisbees at the incoming soldiers.

     Ichigo and Charlie saw this incoming attack and charged at it. To counter an attack, send another attack. The two of them raised their swords and slammed it into the giant, smashing it to pieces.

     Phil rode the hydra while shooting his enemies with his crossbow, firing as rapidly as he could. The hydra shrieked and spewed acid has onto the battlefield, mainly at the fire giant.

     The giant chuckled. "That won't affect me." It did affect him. He had cracks in his armor and the acidic gas entered through them and started to decay his flesh. The giant screamed in pain and ripped off his armor. He saw that his flesh is decaying at rapid speeds, so he ripped off his own flesh just to stay alive while grunting in pain.

     Ledias jumped at the window of opportunity and charged at the giant. She yelled and raised her great sword and swung it at the fire giant's shoulder. The fire giant saw her in time and reacted fast enough to swing his humongous shield towards her and shatter her great sword. She didn't care though. She took what was left of her great sword and shoved it into the giants neck. He screamed and grabbed Ledias and chucked her at the dragons. Her body momentum killed one and nearly paralyzed her. She fell to the ground at painful speeds and blacked out.

     Solul grabbed Death by his neck and tried to strangle it, but War climbed back up and grappled Solul. Conquest sent as many punches as he could towards Solul while screaming nonsense, but he still somehow blocked them all. Famine sent bugs and diseases that were in a physical form towards Solul, but Solul summoned lightning bolts towards the bugs, burning all of them. He roared and disassembled himself into pieces, similar to War, and he wrapped himself around each of the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse while casting devastating spells towards them, destroying the tower and sending them tumbling down towards the ground.

No Storm Lasts Forever, a DND inspired story, by Allan ConcilladoWhere stories live. Discover now