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AN: Hi guys! This is my first fan fiction, I had been reading a lot of Harry Potter fan fiction latel and I thought to myself that maybe I should write some fictions myself. Hope you enjoy this story, feel free to leave comments on points to improve my writing. Thank You.
October 31, 1981

The day Voldemort attacked the Potters to kill the child who is prophesized to kill the babe. Voldemort stunned James and the mud blood. When he took a look at the children, the first born was standing defiantly between him and the prophesized child, a toddler who had a speck of red hairs in his head, He will kill both boys, as a message to both Potters that they should not have been a thorn to his plans. But when he pointed his wand at the first born who looked like his father except for his eyes, and utter the words of the killing curse, he was shocked when it rebounded. While his body was decomposing, his thoughts went to the prophecy, thinking maybe it was wrong, and at the last moment, he saw the prophesized child sending raw magical power to his older brother, cursing the child with his last breath, he unconsciously sent a small proportion of his soul to the red- haired brat. Before fleeing as an apparition who defied death.
Year: 1982

Since that day, Harry Potter became the ignored and neglected child of the Potters, he would grow up in the care of the house elves and his uncle Remus Lupin and godfather Sirius Black. But the two of them would occasionally visit the Potters and give him gifts and attention much to his delight. Growing up with the Potters he would have to teach himself to write and read as the James and Lily was too busy with Scott. James was too busy in Politics to expand the influence of the light. Pushing laws that would create a better world for their children. Lily on the other hand was busy in raising Scott and being a potions and charms mistress. The only birthday they celebrated was for Scott's and never Harry's. Holidays were worse as harry always feels like he doesn't deserve to celebrate with them. Always opting not to celebrate with them and just be alone, moping in his room. When he was five, Sirius and Remus enrolled Harry to a muggle school near Godric's Hollow, near enough for him to walk on his own, as they saw it as an unhealthy habit for a child to read complicated spells and magic that were available in the Potter's library. Also, they see it as a healthy thing for Harry to interact and make friends with children with same age as him. Unknown at the time, Sirius and Remus just change the path of the Magical Britain for the better.

Flash back

"Hey, Prongs, Lils you think it's best if we put Harry in a muggle school?" Sirius called for his best friends.

"Yeah sure, if you thinks its best, we trust you guys." Lily replied.

"Okay", Sirius said, he felt unsure of what to make of it, he just shrugged off his thoughts about the weird thing with James and Lily. He went to Harry and they went together to the school to enroll him in.

Flash back Ends
Year 1985

Now Harry is now 8 years old and has now found his passion. He was thankful, that Sirius and Remus put him in the muggle school. As within 3 years they become too busy. Remus with his mission to help werewolves and Sirius with his job as an auror and having a girlfriend, hopefully to continue the Black family line. While being schooled in the muggle world for 3 years, Harry was fascinated in the tools and technology that muggles made to make their lives easier. He had fascination with cars, planes, telephones, television and radios that muggles made. At a very young age Harry had already found passion with engineering and architecture. With his new fascination with muggle technology, he found solace at their local library that would expand his knowledge with his passion. When he went to the library, he would always notice the girl with bushy hair to be in the library the same as him in a secluded area as if to avoid attention. When he took another look at the girl and was shocked when she stopped the book from falling. Realizing that she was a witch, a muggleborn probably. Deciding to approach the girl he greeted her "Hi my name is Harry. Can I sit here?"
Year: 1982

Hermione Granger, age 5, was an only child of a married couple who were dentists. She was loved and cared for by his parents. They would always have a family bond every weekend, they would first be at church to say their grace to God, and then they would either go to the movies or park and then would eat out.

Her parents would support her, in her love for books, they would always show that they love her and proud of her, for her intelligence and her love for learning. The only downside of her life was that kids in her school would always bully her for her intelligence. They tease her about ugly she was with her bushy hair and buck tooth. About how she was a-know-it-all and a teacher's pet. But it didn't matter for she has her parent. To Hermione, her family was the perfect family.

But it all changed when Hermione was showing signs of accidental magic at age 6. When she summoned a book that her parents forbade her to read, putting the book at the highest top of the shelf, away and far from Hermione's reach. You see, the Granger's were very religious Catholics, the Word of God was law that should be followed, ALWAYS. So when Hermione showed accidental magic, they thought she was possessed by the devil and started to be afraid of her. At first, the Grangers were wary of their own daughter, cautious when they were around their own daughter, then, as time passed they were outright afraid of her. Making Hermione a neglected child at age 7.
Year: 1985

Things had taken a full 180 degrees twist when Hermione's parents had a second child. Her parents had deemed it as both blessing and confirmation form God Himself when Elizabeth and Louise Granger were pregnant. Confirmation that they were not possessed by the devil and passed it down to their daughter. When David Granger was born, her parents had fawn over him and outright neglected their daughter. They would not even let her be near him, so that he would not be infected by the devil that possessed her. Though they didn't physically abuse her, their treatment was of emotional neglect. They would feed her, but they would eat first before she was able to eat. She was not allowed to join their family outings as there was no place for the devil in the House of God.

Her life at school was no better. She was bullied because of bushy hair, buck teeth and intelligence. She would always try to do her best in school to seek the validation and recognition she needs from her parents and teachers. To confirm that there was nothing wrong with her. But because of this she bullied by other children. So she stopped showing off his her intelligence to make her life more bearable and the bullies did stop bullying her but still, it would be nice to have friend or two.

Because of the terrible life she had, the only solace she ever had was within books. She did find a fascination towards chemistry, physics and mathematics. In the library she would be at her happiest, in reading books she would forget the life she had lived and be in another world where she naturally belongs. Her line of thoughts was broken when the book she was about to read was about to fall down. Aware that it would create attention towards her because of the noise, she summoned the book towards her. There it was again, the reason why her life was terrible. It was because of this.....this powers that her parents were terrified of her. Looking around to see if someone saw what she did. She panicked when a messy haired, green eyed boy was looking at her with wide eyes. As to make matters worse he was walking towards her, upon reaching the table she was sitting the boy said "Hi my name is Harry. Can I sit here?"
AN: Harry's Birthday: August 10, 1977
Scott's Birthday: July 31, 1980
Hermione's Birthday: October 14, 1976
David's Birthday: December 10 1985

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