Ideas Become Reality 2

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September 1986

It took them a year to fully complete building their camp. It wasn't good, it wasn't bad either. There was definitely a room for improvement to be made in the foreseeable future. It was hard building the camp, but it was good for their magic, as they kept practicing it, making it grow, treating it as if it was a muscle.  Harry had also stolen some mediocre ward stones from his mother to ward their camp. Now their camp had been warded with weak Confundus and Compulsion charms to ward any unwanted visitors. It was a busy year for them, between earning money, school, building the camp and reading books on technomancy and alchemy. But it was worth it. Now they saved up to 2,000 pounds, and had a sufficient supply of jewelry from dumpster diving. The two of them had been searching for junks more than they were working around the neighborhood as it earned them more money. The amount of money they would have saved would be bigger if they hadn't bought the materials needed for building their camp but they had spent a big amount of money on nails, rope, ply woods, etc. to build their camp.

The camp was amazing, and the two are proud of what they build, it had 3 walls with its front not having one so that they would receive heat from the fire place in front, the roof was descending to the back at a 2o degree angle, covered in plastic tarpaulin. Within the 3 walls was a tent (the wizard's tent) in the front of the tent was a couple of chairs and a single table and in front of it was the fire place with wood reflector. Above the fire and chairs was another roof, that was descending at a 15 degree angle to front, it was longer than the other on, extending to an extra meter. In the extra meter, it house the fire woods, and their materials for building the camp.

Inside the tent was a living room and kitchen, further it housed 5 rooms. The 2 smallest rooms were both Harry's and Hermione's room, the middle sized room was their storage where they house all their junks to be fixed and sold. The 2 largest rooms were Hermione's laboratory and Harry's workshop. In Hermione laboratory had contain 4 wall shelves that containing books related to alchemy, it also has a sink in where she can experiment with molecules and such. Her laboratory tools are mostly stolen as buying it would create a large dent in their saving, so they created fake replicas of the tools, then they would apply the switching charm, and confound the people they've stole from. Harry's workshop was messier than Hermione's lab, there were many junks scattered around the place. There was also wall shelves that contains books relating to engineering. Within the 3 years of learning about engineering, he had finally able to use a car battery as a power source in their tent. Though it wasn't enough power, it was a start for creating new ones and improving this work of his.


May 1988

It had been two years since the camp had been built. They were now more relax than before they had the camp. Granted they would still come home, to eat and sometimes sleep. Though they stayed in the tent more than they stayed in their homes, having the camp made many rooms for them to expand their knowledge. They had additional wards around the camp, such as distortion wards so by passers can't see it. Their work had also made them accumulate an additional 7,000 pounds in their savings from working for Paul and selling the junks that they had fixed.  It would have been more but they had to spend some items to improve their camp.

Harry had also improved their power source, he was able to make it more efficient, powerful, more capacity and neater, consuming less space than the previous battery for the radio. He was able to fix some television and VCR and CD player for their own entertainment in the tent and also some music players to liven up their place. While Hermione had now the level of intelligence in Chemistry that would rival college students.

"Hermione, we need to talk." Harry called to Hermione who was in her lab reading. Hermione then looked up and closed the book to go to Harry, when he got to Harry "What's up?" Hermione asked. Sitting down at the chair in front of the fire.

"We should talk about what we are going to do to this place when we go to Hogwarts."  Harry said.

"Okay, what do you have in your mind?" Hermione asked looking at Harry to see if he had any ideas, Harry looked at her and shrugged. "To be honest I don't know what to do" Harry replied. They have a long moment of silence, thinking of any ideas on what to do, now they had to go to Hogwarts.

"How about this" Hermione said, breaking the silence between them. "Okay" Harry replied gesturing her to voice her idea.

"A week before we go to Hogwarts, we fold this tent up arranging the things inside to make sure they won't be destroyed. The money we had saved will be hidden together in a bag with wards around it, together with the jewelry we had found." Hermione suggested. Harry thought about what she said, and like her idea.

"Okay, that's what we're going to do. But where would we hide the tent and our savings?" Harry asked

"Hmmmmmmm........ How about we buy a trunk put our tent and bag there, put protective wards on it and put it on your room? Maybe we should build a small cabinet that has like a secret compartment in it, with no magic in it, maybe its part of the design?" Hermione said. "Okay I think we can make that." Harry said, with nothing else important to talk about. They talk about Hogwarts and what house they should go, what they want to do there.

"Will we quit working for Paul?" Harry asked, Hermione nodded immediately and said "We already know how the drug market works, we have enough savings from what we earned. The only thing we need to do is to find out how to grow the marijuana on your own." Hermione answered. Harry nodded when she answered "Yeah a compulsion charm was not enough for him to tell us how to do it." Harry replied and the duo were in a silence after Harry was done speaking.

"Hermione, will you promise me something?" Harry asked with nervousness in his voice,

"What is it Harry?" Hermione asked. "Promise me that we would still be best friends no matter what happens at Hogwarts." Harry said

"Of course Harry, I promise you that you will be my best friend forever. Can you make the same promise too?" Hermione requested Harry. Harry then took her hand and held it. "I promise you Hermione that we would be best friends no matter what happens forever." Harry promised her.

"What makes you think that I won't be friends with you when we go to Hogwarts?" Hermione asked, Harry just shrugged and said answered "I don't know, I'm just worried." Harry answered, Hermione smiled and took hold of his hand to comfort him.

While they held hands they smiled at each other's promises. Then they had small blushes on their faces as they noticed that they looked like the couples in romantic movies they had watched, they quickly kept their hands to themselves. "I think we should go home, it's already getting" Harry said.

"How about we stay here for tonight and you know watch a movie inside. Come on Harry, it's been a while since we've done that and tomorrow's a Saturday. Come on Harry, please." Hermione said with puppy eyes.

Harry then laughed at her antics "Okay, sure" the two of them then went inside the tent, turned on the battery, the VC player and television to watch a movie. Hermione then suggested, watching the movie, Princess Bride that was released in the previous year. At the end of the second movie Hermione was sleeping in Harry's shoulder with her arms around him and his arms around her. When he was too tired to get up, loving the position he is in, he just waved his wand and the battery turned off, turning off the VC player and television. When he fell asleep, his thoughts drifted towards Hermione and thanked the gods they gave him the courage to speak to her in the library when they met.

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