How Christmas is Usually Spent

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Both Harry and Hermione pondered whether they should stay at Hogwarts or go to Godric's Hollow to spend Christmas. On one hand, they would be able to explore the castle fully if they were to spend the holidays at Hogwarts. While they could gather their thoughts and adjust their plans while also enjoying the holidays if they were to spend it at Godric's Hollow. Reaching to a final decision, they decided to go to Godric's Hollow to spend the holidays.

When they arrived at Godric's Hollow, they set-up their camp and also set the tent like it used to, and spent the rest of the holidays there, Hermione then made a list of the setbacks they had. First was that it there were only a few things they could sell in the magical world. For one thing Harry had to develop a power source that is independent and long lasting and install them on the music players and radios plus he had to put enchantments in them, something he wasn't very interested in, in order for them to sell them.  Second, was that there were a smaller amount of books on Alchemy than they had expected.

Deciding it was a problem to be discussed at a later date, they then hop on to a bike, with Harry riding it and Hermione is at the back seat of the bike, holding on to Harry, and they went to a bookshop to buy some fictional books and magazines for their entertainment. After that, they went to a video store, to buy new movies they can watch, after the video store they went back in the camp and put on the movie they just bought (Mary Poppins), and watched it till they fall asleep.  In, the same week, the two of them had also bought each other gifts, the two of them gave them their familiars. Hermione gave Harry and white snowy owl, while Harry gave Hermione a ginger haired kneazle with a flat face. Harry called the owl Hedwig while Hermione called his cat Crookshanks.

A week before Christmas, they decided to talk the setbacks they had encountered when they entered Hogwarts. Seeing no possible solution to their problems at the moment. "Screw this, the only solution to this is that if we became older and the two of us become stronger. And for us to wait till we graduate or when another gadget is made. "Harry complained, tired from the thinking they had done. Hermione sighed, he was right, if Hermione was to become an accomplish alchemist she would have to wait when she graduates Hogwarts and hopefully be accepted as an apprentice. Wait, she didn't really want to become an accomplished alchemy, she wanted to be a chemist, mixing and experimenting different substances to create new ones. Creating, that's what she wants, what she and Harry want to do.

"That's it, we create something" Hermione exclaimed, Harry then look at her as if she was going crazy. "We create something, I mean you can create something by using what's used today as a basis of that invention. And me, all I want to do is to push to acquire knowledge that pushes the boundaries of chemistry and magic, hence pushing the boundaries of alchemy. What if we created a power source that's efficient and powerful, because the two of us created a battery that would make it last for....Let's say 1 year? I create a substance through alchemy that would power it, and you would create a tool that would harness that substance as a power source." Hermione saying out loud all of her thoughts.

Harry seemed to ponder what Hermione said. Then it all clicked. "Then with that substance, it would become the basis for you pushing the boundaries of alchemy, and for me to truly create technomancy. Then we should look at books about substances that can be used for energy and about inventions that harness those substances in creating energy." The two of them looked at each other, then the both said together in unison. "You're a genius."

After celebrating their Christmas just watching movies in their tent, they had bought books that we're needed for their idea to come to a fruition. They had also, gone dumpster diving with many items, would be sellable if given few fixes.


May 1988

After the two returned to Hogwarts after Christmas. They had looked on charms and wards that would improve their camp. Charms about house cleaning, preservation charms, expansion charms, anti-pest, anti-bug wards and many more. They had also asked some of the older students if they are willing to sell their old books and materials to them so they can save money.

The school year was now ending, though other students especially the NEWTs and OWLs student were freaking out about the end of the year exams. Harry and Hermione were just relax and continued exploring the castle that would be beneficial in their goals, while also reading books about energy that were used by the magical community in their everyday lives, also they kept looking for basis for their power source idea be it in the charms, transfiguration, potion or anything that the Hogwarts library can provide. They had also kept on reading the books they had buy on Christmas. They had also, kept fixing the gadgets that were thrown away for them to fix and sell. They had also maintained their standing in their class year, being the 6th and 7th in their classes.

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