A trio is forme

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January 1991

Hermione was greeted from Harry when she arrived at Hogwarts, she then proceeded to tell him about how she spent her Christmas holidays. How she and her family had gone to one of their vacation houses in France. After telling her story, Harry then proceeded to him how he spent Christmas at Hogwarts. How he met Luna Lovegood and how they were the only 2 people at Ravenclaw tower. When they arrived at Ravenclaw, they went to Harry's room to continue talking.

"But you won't believe what she told me." Harry said, "what did she told you?" Hermione asked

"Well, she told me that, the way we were laying low to avoid attention is not really working." Harry said. "What do you mean?" Hermione asked

"We are actually known throughout the school, well known in Ravenclaw I don't know much about other houses." Harry said. "Really?" Hermione asked. "Yes, but that's not the craziest thing she said to me." Harry continued.

"What did she say?" Hermione asked. "Well, she told me that many boys and girls fancies us." he told her, waiting for how she will react to that. "Well it's not really shocking, your one of the most attractive boys in our year.'' Hermione said casually. Harry smiled amusingly at her with a blush on his face. "Not just me Hermione, you" Harry said pointing a finger at her "and me" he continued pointing at himself.

"ME!? What do you mean me? I'm not pretty, I'm ugly, I have buck teeth and bushy hair and, and do not have a great body, and...And" Hermione said, trying to think of her flaws.

Harry cut her off "Don't sell yourself short Hermione, You're really pretty. Your hair was not as bushy as it was then and your front teeth had not grown at all making your teeth even. You also have a great body, I mean we work out every week, the robes just hide your figure. If you ask me, I'll pick you over the prettiest girl any time, even when we first met. And I'm not attractive either. I'm sure they just want to get close to me just so they can get close to the boy-who-lived." When Harry was done saying those stuff, Hermione had a full on blush on her face, she couldn't believe Harry thought of her that way "I'll pick you anytime over the hottest guy too Harry." Now the two of them had a full on their face, their eyes met and they stared for 30 seconds.

"Luna also told me how she can help us get the necessary items, to create whatever we need." Harry broke of the silence between them and the conversation just continued. After they were done talking, they went to the great hall for the welcoming feast, Hermione had noticed that some girls around their age were eyeing. Harry had also, observe the same thing with Hermione, some of the boys in the Ravenclaw, Hufflepuffs and Gryffindor were stealing glances at Hermione as if they were checking out. Aware of the eyes that were looking at them they scooted closer together as if to protect themselves and each other.

March 1991

It was Friday and was past curfew and Harry and Hermione was not in the Ravenclaw tower. They had lost track of time in the room of requirement, they were meditating to create layers of defense in their occlumency shields and sorted their memories out. When they were finished they were shocked that it took them 3 hours to do that, in which seemingly seems like an hour and a half. Thankfully they had developed their map that will show anyone 20 meters away of the radius of the map. The two were shocked when Luna's name showed up in one of the broom closet. Luna had become their close friend ever since Christmas, especially to Harry, they now eat together and sometimes study together. So when they came to the closet, they were angry, it was warded to be locked for 24 hours. Fortunately, it wasn't a complicated ward and was able to take it down easily. What they saw inside made them very furious, it was Luna, with only her underwear, sitting in the corner squatting, hugging her knees to keep herself warm and was shaking from the cold. Harry hurriedly took of her robes and sweater as he was still wearing a shirt beneath the sweater, gave it to Hermione and looked away to give them privacy. Hermione took the clothes and hurriedly went to Luna to offer her the clothes. Luna happily took the clothes and put it on. Hermione then cast a warming charm on her, wiped the tears off her face with her handkerchief. "You can come now Harry" Hermione said to Harry.

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