Start of Second Year

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August 1989

Home. That's what their camp had been for Harry and Hermione. It was a place they can call their own and where they belong rather than in their parent's house. They now spend most of their time in the tent than they usually do. They only come to their parent's houses just to eat there. Their summer had been productive for both and Harry and Hermione in terms of earning money.  With their new found knowledge they acquired from Hogwarts, they had worked from the start of the summer to improve their camp. They had built Hedwig her perch and Crookshanks his cat house which they charmed to be warm and comfortable.

Harry had gotten 4, much better ward stones than they previously used, and 2 rune kits from the storage room of their house. Upon getting these, Hermione then pull out one of her notebooks which contained the wards they can use for their camp. "So what wards should we add?" Hermione asked. Harry then looked at her notebook and ponder which one they should use.

"Well, we have to use wards that these stones can handle." Harry said.

"How about we add a full Confundus and full Compulsion ward that are only keyed to us and then we'll add 2 more wards from that notebook?" Hermione suggested

"What about a full Compulsion ward that make intruders want to stay away, we'll remove the Confundus wards since it will be redundant because of the Compulsion. Then we'll add a silencing ward so that outsiders cannot hear what we are doing, as far as by passes know, it's just a quiet time in the woods." Harry said

"That makes sense, how about we also add a disillusion ward so that outsiders wouldn't see what we are growing." Hermione said, the two were very sensitive when it comes to their privacy and a disillusionment ward assist them with that. 

"With that ward we wouldn't need to remove the tent and would be less hassle for us" Hermione continued saying

Harry nodded at her idea "Yeah that sounds about it". They then continued working, creating the new wards for their camp. After warding the area around their home, all of their needed work for the summer was done. Now the remaining summer was spent fixing and selling junks, experimenting on gadgets and chemicals, they had also had set aside time to have fun, reading entertaining books such as the Lord of the Rings, watching movies and listening to music especially to the Beetles. The only set back is that they actually spent more money than earned, lessening their savings, but it was still a good summer as they were still productive. They continued their normal routine 



September 25 1989

Harry was shocked momentarily at the sight of a house elf taking the dirty clothes in the basket at the side of the door. The elf, dropped the levitated clothes, because he was shocked by the sudden appearance of a student. "I is sorry sir, Shelly wills be coming back to do laundry....." the elf said before he was cut off by Harry. "Wait! Before you go, do you know any shortcuts and passages around the castle Shelly?" Harry asked to the elf "Yes sir, I is knowing hidden and tricky passages." the elf replied "Uhmm, can you show me and my friend Hermione this passages?" Harry asked

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