Bonding while gone.

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AN: Sorry if I hadn't updated in a while, this month was very busy for me. I had to focus all of my attention to my thesis and fortunately I was able to graduate college 😁😁

July 14 1991

Harry and Hermione were cuddling in the couch of their tent watching a comedy, they were now more affectionate towards each other as they were now an official couple. Luna was with them and was at the right side of Hermione.

"You know, I've decided that spell crafting and enchanting will be like my thing." Luna said in the middle of the movie, the couple stopped cuddling and Harry paused the movie they were watching. "Like Harry has his gadgets and like engineering, while you have your chemistry and alchemy. I need something, which will drive me to learn like you two. What do you think?" Luna continued

"You know what? That's actually great, I mean in the future I'll definitely need some knowledge about enchanting and spell crafting." Harry said

"Ooh, we can help each other, imagine. Harry and I just created a piece of technology or alchemy stones, then you can base your creation of spells and enchantments on the things that are lacking from our invention and we can create something that also based on your creations" Hermione continued Harry's point excitedly.

"I like that future babe, with the three of us we can multiply our inventions and really make a great impact not just on Magical Britain but to the Magical World." Harry replied, Hermione looked at him when he said babe and smiled brightly, she then nodded to his point.

"Then we can have lots of money, buy lots of pudding, and have lots of pets and travel around the world." Luna said while looking into space to imagine. "Aaaaannnnddd we can protect a lot of muggleborns and reduce the prejudice that exists on our society." Hermione replied

"Okay we'll talk about what we'll do in the long run later and let's talk now on how we can help Luna become a spell crafter and enchanter." Harry interjected

"We need, another tent, this tent will have our rooms and we'll replace your workshop and my lab into storage rooms. The other tent will be the place where we have our lab, workshop and a room for Luna and the Library. Wait I'll make a list." Hermione said she then went up to get her planner and her pen. Luna and Harry waited for Hermione to finish her list before suggesting more ideas.

"We need to make Luna her wand that is undetectable by the Ministry." Harry said "We also need to strengthen the wards around the camp. Things will get more dangerous for us if our camp is compromised." Harry continued.

"I need books about enchanting and spell crafting. We also need to get stronger, many people will want our inventions and thus risk ours and our family's lives. "Luna said, the two nodded at her idea about getting stronger, many wizards and witches will endanger them. "What about we hide our identities, like the face we will wear for the world will be the three of us as an average witches and wizard with an above average intellect but not capable of doing the things we'll do in the future?" Luna continued.

"Yeah, who would expect three students who got above average grades at Hogwarts be the inventors of the century." Harry said. "Okay that's that, what about funds? We need to sell the Marijuana immediately to boost our finances exponentially, we can probably buy this lot of land like we always planned with the money from selling weed." Hermione said.

"Yes, but we're still 14 year olds, we need something that will hide our identity when we sell the weed." Harry replied, then the three became silent to think, "how about polyjuice potion? It's a potion that will change our physical appearance for a time." Luna suggested, "The downside is that it takes too long to brew." Luna continued, dejected about the big flaw of her suggestion, then another idea popped into her mind, "how about we brew, ageing potions, it's easier, it last longer than polyjuice and we can disillusion our appearance so that it will still be hidden." Luna said

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