Ideas become Reality

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Year: September 1985

It was 4 months after they had talked about their ideas. Within 4 months both of them had already acquired the basic knowledge in creating a sufficient wand, the two of them had already most of the materials needed except for the part from a magical creature that would become the core of their wands. The wood was easily found as they just used oak that was found in the woods in Godric's hollow. They already had a rune kit, as Harry stole it from her mother's collection. They had also found the perfect place in the woods that their camp would be located. Harry had acquired them a wizard's tent, it was in their storage room collecting dust unlike the tent that was in the cabinet in their living room. Seeing that his family had forgotten about it, he just took it and placed it in their said location. The two of them had also bought bicycles, in order for them to move around the town easier.

Hermione had also, found them jobs around their neighborhood, and within 4 months they had already accumulated 30 pounds from working odd jobs. The two of them had also gone dumpster diving and found a mountain of treasures. Destroyed books, metals of different sorts, radios, and telephones. They also hit the jackpot when they went dumpster diving. They found a metallic box that cannot be opened, but it's a different discussion when using magic to unlock it. Unlocking it through wandless magic, which they have trained in too, they found that the box contains jewelry, lots of jewelry. But they wouldn't sell it now, they figured it would be better if they continue working and have the jewelry they found to be a backup money. Plus kids selling jewelry would spell them a lot of trouble.


It was the weekend and Hermione was walking towards their tent, she was really happy that she met and befriended Harry, before she had befriended him, her visions of the future was bleak and depressing. Just hoping that some point in her life would brighten up. And it did, now she had a reason to enjoy her life, she had person in her life that accepted her for who she is, how he understands her life, how they gave each other purpose in their lives instead of just living so, just because ending their lives would bring inconvenience to others. Thinking about their ideas and goals made her think, they had already done most on the list, now they just needed a core necessary in making a wand, after the wand will be made, they can now proceed in achieving most of their goals. While she was walking towards their tent, she was startled, when a white horse with a horn in its forehead suddenly appeared

'A unicorn!' Hermione exclaimed in her thoughts. 'Amazing' she continued in her thoughts, the unicorn continued to stare at her, then suddenly the unicorn walk towards her. Hermione also walk towards the unicorn to pet her. When her hand touched the unicorn, "hello, are you lost? Where are your herd?" Hermione said to the unicorn, the unicorn then closed its eyes and purred as Hermione stroked the hair at the top of its head. The unicorn then looked at the girl, like it was saying yes, that she was separated from her herd not too long ago. "Well you can hang out at our camp to be, it's a place where Harry and I can be ourselves." Hermione then walked towards their tent while the unicorn was following her.

"You see, Harry and I had difficult lives, especially how our parents treat us. My parents are afraid of me because of I am a witch. Harry is ignored by his own parents because he is not famous enough for him to be worthy of their attention." they then arrived at the place, "well make yourself comfortable" Hermione said. She then continued talking about hers and Harry's life. About their goals they want to achieve in their future, how they are now resting after a week's worth of working to achieve their current goals.

Enjoying the company of the unicorn, while the unicorn also enjoyed the story that the girl is telling. 30 minutes after talking to the unicorn, another unicorn appeared, seeing that this unicorn was part of her herd, "Well, I guess this is we say good bye, I hope I will see you again in the future", nuzzling her head in Hermione's chest, the unicorn then face towards the other unicorn, her tail is in front of Hermione, the unicorn then gave her two unicorn hair strands. Catching the strands with her hand, she looked at the unicorn, "Thank you very much". The unicorn then ran towards her herd, to be unseen by Hermione.

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