Strains and Seed

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November 1990

It was Hogsmead weekend, Harry and Hermione had enjoyed another weekend at Hogmead, they were spending it with their other classmates more, now their circle of friends had expanded though they were still more like acquaintances than very close friends, they didn't constantly hang out with each other as they prefer hanging out with their own best friends than together.

Ever since school had started, the two had spent less time together compared to previous years, they often hang out more in the common room playing games or study together with their fellow Ravenclaw classmates, Harry had also found passion in playing quiditch, he always enjoys flying but decided not to play quiditch because of other more important matters at hand, also first and second years usually don't get into their quiditch teams. Now Harry is the chaser for Ravenclaw. Hedwig was happier with the reconciliation between Hermione and her parents, because now she was used a lot by Hermione to send letters to her parents and vice versa. Much to the annoyance of Crookshanks who was teased by Hedwig about how useful she was compared to the cat. Crookshanks then leaped towards Hedwig, fortunately Hedwig's moon owl reflexes were faster than the fireballs travelling towards her. Seeing the fight between the two of them escalates further, Harry and Hermione took their own familiars and walked to different paths and started scolding their familiars, after that everything pretty much went back to normal between Crookshanks and Hedwig.

Harry and Hermione had created themselves a schedule, so they wouldn't lose their focus on the extra subject they were learning. During Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday the two would go to the room of requirement to train the magic of mind arts, curse breaking and warding, and healing. Hermione would spend studying alchemy while Harry would be scavenging the room of lost things or studying about computers. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday is for studying with classmates, homework and fun. Though the two would adjust when quiditch practice would overlap with their schedule, when Harry had quiditch practice Hermione would either study alone, in the pitch or in the common room, usually whichever she likes.

Hermione tapped Harry's shoulder Harry then moved his body to look at her "Good Morning Hermione" Harry greeted "Good morning to you too Harry" Hermione replied

"You're in a good mood today. What gotten to you?" Harry asked, chuckling at her

"Can we go and eat breakfast? I'm starting to get hungry" Hermione said. "Okay, let's go" Harry replied. They walked side by side with Harry's hand on her shoulder and Hermione's hand on his waist. "You know I'm really happy that we overcome this challenge in our friendship this year. I knew you were feeling something's after I've told you what happened with my parents. I just didn't forced you to talk about it because I know that whatever happens, our friendships would always get stronger as it usually had." Hermione stated, Harry pulled her closer to him giving her a sideway hug while they were walking.

"It was jealousy, I felt jealous that your parents wanted to reconnect with you, while my parents still wants nothing to do with me. And I've decided that now I will completely cut my parents off from my life. I mean, they can still have a positive relationship with me, but I would never see them as my parents ever." Harry said, he had done a lot of thinking in the past 5 months, and he was going to be honest with Hermione about the thinking and conclusions he had come up with,

"Why do you say that?" Hermione asked, she was a little of afraid of what Harry was to say. Harry stopped walking and his hand curled up into fist his aura was showing and the temperature rose.

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