Confront and Comfort

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Harry were talking with Ryan and Roger about strategies and plans for their second game against Gryffindor. They had defeated Hufflepuff in their first game, although Cedric had caught the snitch, their strategy and teamwork as chasers were enough to make them win. Hermione Luna and Natalie were playing a magical board game while the boys were talking. Natalie was Luna's classmate and her friend from her year. Natalie had also become good friends with Harry and Hermione. The 6 of them were hanging out on the compartment of the train to go home for the holidays.

When they arrived at the station, Harry had assisted both Hermione and Luna while Ryan was assisting Natalie with her trunk. They stepped off the train and the three of them were saying their goodbyes to Natalie and Ryan who went to find their families in the station. Luna and Hermione said their goodbyes to Harry and both of them promised to go to the camp as much as possible and they went off to go to their family. Harry found his mum and dad who were talking to Scott, he went over to them and greeted the two of them the four of them flooed to Godric's inn and drove to their house. When they arrived Tippy had helped Scott and Harry put their trunks in their room. When Harry and Scott opened the door they were attacked with a hug by Rose.

"It's good to see you Rose, we miss you." Scott said and he kissed her cheek and handed her to Harry who also kissed her cheek and put her down. He went straight to his room. He didn't know what to feel anymore. It seems like he was more welcome and does belong to the family but he was feeling the contrary. He felt like an outsider now more than ever and the emotion he was feeling two weeks ago was starting to surface. So he dealt with it like he always do when this happened, he tried to suppressed it, he sat down in his bed, closed his eyes, sat upright and breathed slowly, he inhaled deeply through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. When he finally calmed down he stood up to get his journal to continue working on the phone's design.

James was going upstairs to go to Harry's room. The situation they were in was very tough. Before his sons had left for Hogwarts, Harry was getting close to them, he was starting to warm up towards them which made him and Lily very happy and when he was at Hogwarts he did sent them letters occasionally which they were very happy to receive and respond. They were also very happy when Scott sent them a letter informing them that he was sorted to Gryffindor, it was the safest house out of all the 4 that he could be sorted into. Everything was fine and much better. Although being at Hogwarts wasn't fully safe for Scott, it was the best school for him to go and he needs to be with other children in his age. It did made their minds at ease that Harry would be watching him to keep him safe. It made their jobs easier. Like when Scott went to the find his best friend Meredith when the troll infiltrated the castle, at least he had been scolded by Harry.

When his sons had arrived at the station, something was different with Harry. It was like the distrust, anger and bitterness that was present when they first reconciled was back again. He tried not to show it but he and Lily could feel it was there and they were at a loss at what to do. He reached Harry's room and he knocked the door three times. "Harry, dinner's almost ready, can you please go down in 10 minutes?" James said outside the door. "Okay" Harry replied and James left the door to go to their room.

Maybe they should go to a mind healer together or maybe they could confront him and let him express all the emotions he was feeling towards them. James wanted them to go to a mind healer but Lily was against that idea. Saying that it will make Harry distrust them more and that he would push them away further. Lily said that he needed to express all the anger that he had felt towards them. He believed that Lily was right, she was usually right at these kind of things. The only thing that was holding him back was his fear. He was afraid of the latter approach, of how much it will hurt. He knew he should just suck it up because the hurt that Harry felt all those years being ignored was much worse than they are about to feel.

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