Ideas and Goal

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Year: June 1985

Because of their friendship Hermione and Harry had excelled in their academics exponentially. Now they had excelled in it. It was time to expand their knowledge on advance subjects, Chemistry and Potions to help Hermione learn alchemy, Engineering and Ancient Runes to help Harry develop Technomancy. But the local library was inadequate already to quell their thirst for knowledge, the library was great, but they needed a place to call their own, where they can experiment freely, a place where they can do what they want and not to be restricted, a place where they can escape the harsh reality of their worlds but to do that they needed funds for that, funds for buying materials, equipment, tools and books.

"Well, first things first, we need to have a wand that cannot be traced by the Ministry. The problem is we don't know where to buy such wands. Well, probably in Knockturn alley, but I wouldn't risk our lives in going there." Harry said

"How do the Ministry trace the magic in wands anyway?" Hermione asked

"Well, every wizard and witches goes to Ollivander to have their first wands. Ollivander then, will put tracer in their wands that the Ministry can monitor." Harry replied.

"How about we just make our own wands? Maybe there is a book in your family's library that have such information about creating wands." Hermione said.

"That could be possible. I mean it's going to be very hard to do so, but what are the other alternatives?" Harry said. "Okay I'll look something up in the Potter library about wand lore. Next thing is, a place where we can do anything we want." Harry continued saying.

"Wait I'll write a list on it." Hermione said, pulling out a pen and paper from her bag. "Okay, so we need a place of our own. Any ideas?" Hermione said, gesturing for Harry to continue. Harry paused to think, tapping his fore finger in his chin

"How about we build a camp, we built it in the woods in Godric's Hallow where it is in the center between the distances of our houses, there will be a tent with a roof above it, and 3 walls to protect and cover it." Harry said with enthusiasm about building a camp. "A tent? I don't think a tent would be enough space for the two of us. I was more thinking of using an abandon house or cabin" Hermione replied with skepticism about Harry's idea.

"What's so bad about my idea? I mean there were books in the public library about forest bush craft, and true we're just kids but we're also magical so how hard can that be? Plus, the tent we'll use is not just a normal tent, it will be a wizard's tent." Harry said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What's so special about a wizard's tent?" Hermione asked. "Well, my dear beloved friend, a wizard's tent can have the capacity of having 5 rooms, a kitchen and a living room" Harry replied.

"How do we create something like that Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Who said about creating one? My dad or my godfather probably had an unused tent for a while. It's still working, last time I checked, it had 4 rooms a kitchen and a living room. They don't use it anymore because there was a new tent that was made by the company that was bigger in capacity, better quality and was more luxurious." Harry said. Hearing Harry's idea, Hermione scratched her chin with her eyes looking up, imagining the image that Harry described. "Okay how will we make sure that no one stumbles upon it?" Hermione asked

"We'll ward it, my mum has unused warding materials that we can use. We'll ward the place in an isolated area, so that only we will know about it." Harry answered. "Okay, I'm in." Hermione said. She then continued, "Last thing is money, how would we fund this idea?" she said.

"Last time I checked, my trust vault is now worth 5,000 galleons at Gringotts, and I can ask my godfather some money?" Harry suggested

"I have a trust fund, my parents and grandparents set-up for me. I don't know how much it's worth though. Using our trust fund is not going to work Harry, we need a stable income." Hermione said.

"Well, we can work in jobs, downside is not many would hire kids and pay a lot." Harry replied. There was a moment of silence between them until Hermione broke that silence. "We can sell stuff, we pick some items that are broken, we'll fix it ourselves and we'll sell it.  Hermione suggested.

"Yeah that can work, plus it would improve my knowledge on technology too. We also need a bike so we can easily travel around town." Harry said.

"Yeah, we definitely need that. Well, there is one thing that we can do that would earn us a lot of money." Hermione said, gesturing for Harry to come closer. Harry then lean towards Hermione, his ear facing her so she can whisper it. "We can sell some Marijuana." Harry snapped his head backwards and look at Hermione like she was crazy. "Hermione, that's illegal, and too risky, and illegal. We could go to jail for doing that." Harry whispered at her with a harsh tone.

"What? I've read that marijuana can be used for medical purposes, the only reason why it's illegal because of the side effects when a person consumes it. I mean if you think about it, alcoholic drinks is much worse than marijuana. Plus, we can earn a lot of money from doing it, which we need by the way and we wouldn't be selling it now, we could do it in the future were we are old enough to do so." Hermione argued. Harry seems to ponder on her explanation. There was a voice in his head that he shouldn't do it, that doing it would harm people that it is the wrong thing to do. But there was also a voice in his head that said why should he care? This world is harsh and cut-throat and that he should do everything in his power to live his life to the fullest.

"There are probably books on Herbology about growing plants efficiently." Harry said breaking the silence between the two of them. "So you're in? You want to do it?" Hermione ask. "Yeah, sure, we do everything together anyways. Also, your argument was sound and convincing." Harry replied.

"Okay, so selling marijuana would be in the future, now we should talk about jobs, we should do. We can always go around the neighborhood and ask for some errands that we can do to earn money." Harry said. "Also, when there are no jobs available we can go dumpster diving and find some things we can repair and sell." Hermione added. She then wrote all the things they had talked about. After writing it all down with a list she then said "Okay how would we create a wand?" Harry then proceeded in explaining the basics of a wand, what materials it composes and the basic knowledge of runes needed to create it. They continued discussing different ideas until, the library started to close and they went their separate ways to go home.

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