Sorted Together

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Year 1988

During the train ride in Hogwarts's express, Harry and Hermione had met 2 other first years named Emily Taylor and Jonathan Smith. When both Hermione and Harry introduced themselves to the two of them, Emily and Jon had pestered him about Scott Potter, the-boy-who-lived. But he made it clear to them, that they practically were raised differently because he was not raised by his parents and with Scott and that he doesn't know a thing about him. The two of them were put out about it. But they quickly moved it aside as unimportant. And proceeded to get to know each other. Emily was, a half-blood with his dad a muggle-born and his mum was a half-blood too. She also said that she is well versed in the muggle world, since his dad would let them go to places in the muggle world.  When Edgar introduced himself, he was a half-blood, with his dad a pure-blood and his mum a half-blood. He then continued telling how he grew up. When the 4 of them had talked about themselves for a while, they continued riding the rest of the train playing wizarding chess and exploding snap, which Harry and Hermione had been ignorant to. Since they had practically grew up in the muggle world and the library.


When they finally arrived at Hogwarts, the 4 of them had been mesmerized by the view Hogwarts offered when riding a boat through the black lake, they were further mesmerized when they entered the great hall. Hermione's jaw drop for a half minute, it was one thing reading about the enchanted roof and candles and a total different thing when seeing it. When sorting began, her year mates had been sorted into different houses. Nervous, when the list had already reached the E's, she felt fingers intertwined with hers. She then looked at her hand's and see who's hand it was, when seeing it was Harry, he gave her an encouraging smile "You're gonna be okay, we both will" Harry whispered to her. Hermione then felt her nervousness fade and when she was called. "Granger, Hermione" she walked towards the stool, with less fear. McGonagall then put the hat in her head.

'Interesting' the hat said 'you could do well in any house Ms. Granger. You could do well in Slytherin as your ambition is hard to obtain and Slytherin would help you achieve it, and you are cunning enough to be there too.' the hat said.

'Please not Slytherin, if I were to be sorted in there, I would not enjoy myself as a student of Hogwarts or feel safe for my life.' Hermione argued and pleaded to the hat.  She remembered when Harry told her that Slytherin house was very anti-muggleborns which she was.

'True, your life would be in constant danger if you I sort you in Slytherin, how about Gryffindor? You have enough daring and courage in you or maybe Hufflepuff, you are very loyal especially to Harry Potter and the two of are very hard working.' the hat pointed out.

'How about Ravenclaw, I mean yes I do work hard. And yes I would be cunning and daring if I need to achieve my ambition, but I know that my ambition wouldn't be achieved if I wouldn't have the thirst for knowledge necessary into achieving it. As I believe that knowledge and wits will be the main component in achieving my ambition and dreams and that, hard work, loyalty, cunningness and daring are just components that would help me achieve it.' Hermione argued in her thoughts

'Well, argued Ms. Granger, very well then.'  "RAVENCLAW" the hat yelled. She then wore off the hat and put it in the stool and walk towards Ravenclaw table, looking at Harry and gave him a thumbs up.

"Potter, Harry" McGonagall called. There were hush tones of people whispering. He rolled his eyes at this. When he put on the hat, he argued to the hat that he would do better if he was in Ravenclaw, rather than Gryffindor, because of his protectiveness to those he loved and his courage to try dangerous experiments just to achieve his goals, he then argued that he is only protective to people he is loyal to. Plus knowledge was the main component in achieving his goals. When the hat yelled Ravenclaw, people were shocked, they all expected that Potters would usually go to Gryffindors. The sorting continued Emily was sorted to Hufflepuff while Edgar was sorted to Gryffindor.


Time at Hogwarts was enjoyable, for the most part.  The only thing he didn't enjoyed was potions, the professor seems to have a grudge towards him just because he is a Potter. He knew why he was treated differently, it was because his father used to bully the professor and made his life miserable. And he couldn't blame him for that. But he needed to tell him that he wasn't his father, in fact he wasn't even raised by his parents as he was forced to grow up by himself.

What Harry really liked about being in Ravenclaw was having their own room. Jon and Emily had told the two of them that Gryffindors shares dorm with 5 other students and the Hufflepuffs share the same dorm with 3 other students. Years of being abandon by their parents and years of being bullied in muggle school really hindered their ability to socialize with other children around their age. They tried making friends with their classmates, but Harry and Hermione had preferred to spend their time together more, they were cautious when talking and socializing to them they didn't trust other students to treat them with respect and dignity. The best thing they could do was to acquaint themselves with other students,

The Ravenclaw first years didn't have time to bond with their classmate, as they would always be studying and reading for them to have fun. Yes, they do spend time together, but only in the context of group studying. Within them it is more of trade than a formation of friendship. Both Hermione and Harry had stayed under the radar within Hogwarts, trying to be mediocre while studying crazy like they were trying to be the best in their years. The two of them agreed that it was better for them to lay low and not try their hardest in excelling academically. Their Ravenclaw classmates would hate them out of spite and jealousy which could lead them to be targets of bullying. Plus, Gryffindors would hate Harry for making Ravenclaw winners of house cup, as they think that Potters should always be a Gryffindor and that he should help them win against the Slytherin, well according to Edgar. Slytherins would hate Hermione because of their prejudice against muggle-borns. Hufflepuffs as Emily said to them were just indifferent towards them.

When it was November, Harry had finally confronted Professor Snape about his behavior towards him and how he understands why felt that way about. He also told him, about how he fell victim to his father's attention seeking attitude. After, talking to the potions professor. Potions had been more enjoyable because now Snape had been indifferent towards him. All in all Hogwarts was better for Harry and Hermione than they had expected.

When Hermione and Harry are alone they were either at the library, looking at books for runes, enchanting, potions and alchemy. There were a lot of books in the first three and only limited books about alchemy, when they had asked, about why there were a small amount of books, Madam Pince, the Hogwarts's librarian said it was because, it was a very hard subject that usually can be learned from being an apprentice to alchemist. They asked Madam Pince if they could have all the books about available to them pointed out. Madam Pince told the two kids, the books on Alchemy that wasn't on the restricted section. The two of them went to sections where Madam Pince pointed and looked for books on Alchemy, with a total of 30 books available to them, the two of them continued studying in silence.

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