Unusual Summer

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Rest of the Year

After Christmas, Harry and Hermione had gotten better on their occlumency shields and becoming proficient with legilimens, they would use legilimency on the other to keep testing their occlumency shields. They also, were able to learn some curse breaking and detecting dark arts through the come and go and room. Hermione was also able to learn a lot about alchemy, absorbing the information on the books the room provided like a sponge. Though she did have many bumps while studying alchemy because of the terms that she cannot comprehend. Harry on the other hand, had begun to sort things that are not dark or cursed in the come and go room. He put all the items that are sellable, fixable and that caught his fancy into an expanded trunk. They also have refined their Hogwarts map and listed any ideas that they should to the map that could earn them a lot of money. Because of their non-school activities, they're grades were going down. Last year, they were the 4th and 5th in their overall class now, they are 8th and 9th, they were having less outstanding in their subjects but they didn't have acceptable either, they just had more EE's than usual.

So before Easter break, the two were able to recover their grades, when they move up to the 6th and 7th place in their school year. Hermione had to tone down a bit on studying alchemy as it was taking a toll in her education and she might lose the scholarship she had if her grades were going to go down. Harry had also tone down on being in the room of lost things since he had already collected a lot of jewelry, books and rare items, opting to strengthen his shields, and studying more in his subjects and engineering books. When the school year ended, the two had sufficient shields, they can read minds, but had to have eye contact and they had to use a wand while doing so.  The jewelry collection had increase a lot, next year it would increase more, the books he had collected were rare and expensive, they were thinking about keeping some books for their collection.


Hermione had already put her school trunk and wand in her own room, she had her unicorn wand in her wand holster in her left hip. She was about to leave her parent's house when her mother's voice can be heard "Hermione, where are you going?" Hermione looked at the direction of the voice that called her name and saw that her parents, were both standing in the living room, looking at her, when she finally realized that they were both talking to her "Uhmmm, out, I'm gonna go at Mrs. Newman to see if she needs work in her house." Hermione replied, she was still confuse at the situation she is in, she's wary of what's about to happen.

"That's great, it's good for you to take initiative." Louise said warily. Hermione looked at him and forced a quick smile. She would have been happy at what he said when she was 7 years old, but now she was able to hear it, she didn't know how to feel. Thinking she would just be polite "Thanks" Hermione replied, after a moment of silence between them "Okay, I should go" Hermione said reaching for the door knob. "Wait!" Elizabeth called, when Hermione stopped and look at the two of them, still with a confuse look on her face, their heart aches, they had become one thing they promise they wouldn't when they had Hermione, they became exactly their parents only they were worse. "Could you spare us a few moments to talk to you?" Elizabeth asked, she hoped her daughter would say yes and here them out. "Okay" Hermione replied, Elizabeth then gestured for them to move and sit at the living room, after moving to living room.

"First thing we got to say is that we're sorry, we're truly sorry for how we reacted to you having magic, we reacted poorly, and we let our fears get the better of us and we treated you poorly." Louise said, if he was honest to himself this had been the most afraid he had been in his entire life. "And that we have been a failure to you as parents and we neglected you since the day we found out you're a witch and we are truly remorseful, shameful and sorry for that. You have every right to be mad at us and that we don't deserve you forgiveness, but we just want to say is that we would like to be part of your life again and that no matter how long it will take to forgive us we'll be waiting for that moment." Elizabeth continued, while saying this her grip on her husband's hand became tighter as she continued saying this.

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