Letters and Shopping

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June 1988

It was another normal morning for Hermione, she had already done her morning routine, she had already ate her breakfast and was about to go out, when a knock from the door is heard. She was about to come down to open the door but her mother beat her to it. A woman, dressed in horrid clothes stood at the door.

"Hello, is this the Granger's residence" the woman asked. "Yes, yes this is the Granger's, what business do you have here mam?" her mother asked.

"I'm here for..." she paused to look at a piece of paper "... Hermione Granger" the woman said. "What business do you have with our daughter? Did she cause some trouble? If she did, I'm very sorry. We'll pay for compensation" her mother said.

"No, Mrs. Granger, Hermione isn't in trouble, in fact she had been accepted to our school. Can I come in so I can explain further?" the woman requested. "Sure come in." her mother said gesturing her to come in. "Please sit down. Do you want some tea.....? I'm sorry what was your name again?" her mother asked

"Oh, how rude of me, I'm Minerva McGonagall, I'm a professor at Hogwarts, a school for children like Hermione," she said, introducing herself. "Can I talk to your daughter Mrs. Granger?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes, I'll just call her" she then went to call Hermione. "I'm already down." Hermione said. "Oh, come with me, there is someone looking for you." her mother said, walking towards the living room with Hermione following her.

When Hermione talked with Professor McGonagall, the professor then proceeded, how she was accepted at Hogwarts, telling she was a witch. Not getting the usual reactions from muggleborns. "Did you already knew you were a witch Ms. Granger?" McGonagall asked.

Hermione shook her head no. She was lying so that they wouldn't be suspicious about her. "I knew I was different from other children when I was young." Hermione said. McGonagall then continued explaining how there is a community of magical people that are hidden from the mundane society. How muggleborns are usually treated before the magical community was formed. When she was done with her explanation, her mother somehow looked ashamed and guilty, but quickly schooled her expressions.

"So Hermione, will go to this school to learn her gifts, with other children like her?" her mother asked. "Yes, Mrs. Granger, your daughter must go and learn magic or it will be uncontrollable harming herself or others in the future." McGonagall said

"How do we pay for this school?" her mother asked. "Through Gringotts, Mrs. Granger, it is our bank, I advise you to set her an account there." McGonagall said. "How about buying equipment for school?" her mother asked again. McGonagall answered "there is a magical shopping district in London where I will be taking you and your daughter to, so you can shop there"

"Okay, can you give me a moment with my daughter please." her mother requested, "I'll be waiting outside" McGonagall said. Her mother then went upstairs for a moment then came down. "Okay Hermione, this is your bank account, it contains your trust fund that your father and I had set up when you were 5, for your education. Now we'll be depositing the amount of money needed every year for you to go to this boarding school. I'm giving it to you with full trust that you won't be stupid with it. Do you understand?" At her daughter's nod, she continued "Okay we'll go to the bank first and withdraw money so you can set up an account in this Gringotts."

They then went outside where Professor McGonagall was waiting, her mother then asked her if they can go to their bank first to withdraw some money. Seeing that it's alright, her mother then asked how much money, "Well, the full tuition for Hogwarts is 50 galleons per year, and 1 galleon is equal to 50 pounds so it's 2,500 pounds plus another 20 galleons for her equipment and allowance plus another 10 galleons as the amount your vault must withdraw around 4,000 pounds." Professor McGonagall answered. A little overwhelmed by the amount, well good thing that Hermione's trust fund had accumulated money over the years, in the total amount of 10,000 pounds. After the bank they went to an Inn in Godric's Hollow so they can floo to London to shop, but her mother opted to separate herself from them stating that she was busy.


July 1988

Harry's letter has finally arrived. For many magical families, it would have been a cause for celebration for them. As the child's first step to adulthood. But for the Potter's it wasn't anything special, just for Harry, because for him, this is his chance to be away from his family for a long time. His father and mother couldn't care less about him, and now they were busy with Rose, her little sister who was born last year on November 10. But Harry care less about his family and even his uncles anymore, he figured that his younger siblings would be estrange and disconnected to him just like Scott, his parents and his uncles had been. If he was honest to himself he was sad at the state of the relationship between him and his younger brother.

He then proceeded to open the letter, he went upstairs to his room to eat his breakfast there, which was prepared by the house elf every day, after he took a shower, changed into some wizarding robes he then took his Gringotts key out, which was given to him at age 5, which was suited in a place like Diagon Alley. He then went outside of his house to meet up with Hermione so they can shop his equipment together. They then went to Godric's Inn to use the floo to go to Diagon Alley.


Diagon Alley

When Harry and Hermione arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, they first went to Gringotts, for Harry to withdraw 50 galleons from his vault. When he inquired how much amount was in his vault, he was shocked when, it's already at 10,000 galleons because of interest.  When he was done at Gringotts, he bought the equipment that was listed in his letter, now he's 6 galleons less. The two of the also bought himself and Hermione some wizarding clothes so she can fit in better now he has 40 galleons left. After that, they bought 2 trunks, both are slightly expanded trunk allowed for Hogwarts students, and another trunk that can fit a tent and their bag. Now only 20 galleons was left in Harry's pocket. Seeing as he still has enough money, they went back to Ollivander's to buy the two of them 2 wand holsters.

After shopping, he went to the office of Potter scholarship, for him to apply Hermione in. When they went there, he was able to get Hermione the best offer that the scholarship can offer, making them pay for full tuition if she got EE in all her subjects, it was easy as Harry had used his name and the Potter elf to threaten the employees into making that deal. After that, it was Hermione's time to treat both of them, bought themselves some ice cream at Fortesque's.

When September 1st had arrived, they had already hid their tent and savings in Harry's room with the cabinet with a secret compartment that the two of them had made. 

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