Shattered Bubble

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June 1991

Harry had, just put his wand and school trunk under his bed. He just close his bedroom door, when someone bumped into him, he looked down and saw that it was her sister on the floor. She had the same hair like her mother, but hers wasn't red like Lily's it was black just like his or James, she was probably going to look like Lily when she grows up. He looked behind his back and saw a cat looking at them, from what he deduced she was chasing the cat then she bumped into him. He knelt down in front of her "Are you alright Rose?" Harry asked. Rose looked at him with teary eyes and held her arms up as if to tell that she hurt her hands from the fall. Harry scooped Rose so that she would be standing up, took her very tiny hands into his and applied mild numbing charms so she would not feel the pain. Rose giggled at the feeling of magic at her hands, when Harry was done, she was amazed, she looked at her hands didn't feel pain in her hands anymore, she looked up to Harry and clapped her hands while giggling "Yay! Magic. Do more. Do more." Rose said

Harry chuckled at her "Maybe next time kid, why don't you go to your parents, they might be looking for you." Harry said. Rose nodded at him and went to where her mum and dad was. Harry was a bit sad when she felt 'I should not get close to any of them. I'll leave sooner or later and getting close to her might hinder that plan' he turned to his door, locked, he then put a mix tape in his music player put on the headphones in his ears and listened to the Beetles. He went down silently as per usual and opened and closed the door silently.

"Mama" Rose screamed running to her mother. "Hey baby, where were you? Mama was a little bit worried you know." Lily said scooping Rose up to her arms. "Black hair boy upstairs mama" Rose excitedly said, Lily burrowed her eyebrows to think who it was, Scott had red hair, James would be called dada by Rose leaving... Harry. When she thought about her son the only image was of a 5 year old kid. In the midst of thinking, Rose then push her away to tell her to put her down. Lily put Rose down, breaking her line of thoughts. "There Mama" Rose screamed, tugging at her shirt while pointing at Harry. Lily looked at Harry, he had a hoodie on obscuring his face, and he was going down in the stairs while swaying his head side to side, there was a wire that came from his head to his waist swaying wildly in front of him. He was already grown and the only memories she can recall about her son was before when he was playing his toys he received from his 3rd Birthday party with Scott.

After that, the only memory she can recall was of sending him to pre-school. "Tippy" Lily called their house elf while sitting, the elf appeared, "Can you fetch me a glass of water?" the elf immediately disappeared after the request then immediately appeared back to give her mistress the water. Lily took the glass of water and drank it with one chug. She then stood up to find a picture, she browsed the house to look for the picture of them with a 3 year old Harry and a year old Scott.

When she found it, she immediately sat down, she looked at the picture and tears were now dropping towards the picture frame. Thinking about her eldest made her frown. She never see her anymore, worse the only image she have of her eldest son was the image of a 5 year old boy with green eyes the same as her, and a miniature copy of her husband. She look through the previous 6 years of her life and not once was Harry present. She couldn't even remember the last time they were together. He was not there in her memories of their Holiday celebration, or their birthdays and special events. Not being able to remember her son looks like, tears welled up in her eyes thinking how terrible of a person she was. Tears were now rolling down her cheeks, thinking on how much she had missed on her son's life.

Her line of thought was broken by James. "Hey Lils, we just found Rose running towards us. She is now with Cindy." Receiving no response from her wife, James asked, "Is something wrong sweetie?" Snapping out of her thoughts, "I just saw Harry left the house" Lily answered. "Oh" James responded, not really knowing how to react to that. Thinking about his son, the only memory where Harry was happy was before Voldemort attacked them that night. In fact, the last memory he could recall of his son was 6 years ago. "We're terrible parents to him aren't we?" James asked with dread feeling in heart. "Yes, we are...What are we going to do James? He probably hates us". Lily asked

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