The date as a stepping stone

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July 9, 1991

It was Saturday, Harry was in his room at a time where he was usually at the camp, looking at the mirror to see if he looks good on his clothes, he was wearing a long sleeve polo shirt,  jeans and casual shoes. He was finally going on a date with Hermione. He was nervous as hell, his mind was going haywire 'what if I screw this up and we stop being friends forever. Then she finds a new best friend and they'll go on a date but because he didn't screw up on his first date and they stayed friends forever leaving him all alone until he is old. All because he screwed up his first date with Hermione' Harry was now breathing heavily all because of his line of thoughts he was starting to sweat. He closed his eyes and remembered what he and Hermione told each other every time.  "Best friends no matter what" he smiled as he recalled all the memories they had told to each other. Now he was calmer he went outside his bedroom and was met by his mother in the hallway.

"Harry, wow don't you look dashing, what's the event? Lily asked, she was doing a Hail Mary by talking casually to Harry, she saw that he was a bit shaking and was sweating and it was like a knife was stabbed to her heart, no child should be afraid to her mother like Harry was to her. "I'm going on a dinner date with a girl" Harry replied, he didn't know what came over him, if it was just any other day he would dismissed her immediately, but somehow he just told his mother truthfully like she was the answer to his nerves that was going crazy at the moment.

Lily smiled at Harry, in her head she was jumping her feet off, maybe this is a stepping stone that would propelled their relationship to a better status. She leaned a little bit on his neck and took in his scent. "Wait for a moment" She then went back to their bedroom, she checked over the collection of perfumes James had and took the perfume that would be perfect for Harry, she then checked over James' collection of watches and took a Rolex that would go well on him. She then went outside and saw Harry was still standing in the hallway. She went to him "Roll your sleeves up" she ordered him and he complied, she sprayed the perfume his wrist "okay, then do this" Lily said, then she connected her own wrist and tapped her shoulders, her chest and stomach, she then sprayed it to his neck ordered him to follow her, she then tapped her neck with her wrist and tapped the other parts of the shoulder, neck and stomach. After Harry followed her movements.

"Okay, now give me your right hand" Lily said, Harry complied and extended his arms up in chest level, Lily took his wrist and put on the watch, she then fold the sleeve that would be in the middle of his forearm "give me your other hand" she ordered Harry complied and Lily did the same to the sleeves with the other arm. "Okay, now did you put on deodorant?"  Harry shook his head no. "Wait for another second"  Lily then went to their bedroom and got a deodorant and a designer belt James had, she went to Harry again in the hallway and said "go to your room and put this on your arm pits and put this on your pants" Lily instructed, "I'm already wearing belt" Harry replied, "then replace it with this one, this would go very well to what you're wearing right now, also are you planning on wearing a coat?" Harry shook his head again, "okay do what I told you and I'll get you a coat" Lily said. While Harry was doing what he was told he was really thankful to his mum, there were many red flags in what he's wearing, maybe this is what it feels like to have your mum around, the door opened and his mother was there "Are you done?" Harry nodded his head "here, wear this, and if your date is getting cold, offer the coat to her, that will earn you some cool points to her." Harry nodded dumbly to what his mum was saying, while making mental notes to her advice. Lily took her wand out and cast a charm to Harry's pant so it will be less baggy and on him "the second charm prevents you from sweating uncontrollably. Now you're ready for your date. Come on let's go down"

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