Holiday Love

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Luna woke up to the sound of something frying in the kitchen. She opens her eyes and sat up. She rubs her eyes and smiled. She looked sideways and found that Hermione was sitting in the mattress that they placed on the floor at the front of the TV, reading a book. She looked around for Harry and saw that he was cooking. It smelled delicious, out of the three of them she was the worst cook and Harry was the best. She looked at Hermione still engrossed at the book she was reading and had not greeted her good morning. She attacked Hermione with a hug which snapped her out of the book, "LUNA!" Hermione shouted out of surprise and Luna just giggled. "Good morning to you too Hermione." Luna said, Harry went over to them only to find that Luna's arms were wrapped around Hermione forcibly. He chuckled at the two of them and said "Good Morning Luna." Luna looked at him and smiled brightly "Good morning Harry." she replied, upon hearing the reply Harry went back to tend the dish he was cooking.

Luna loosen her arms around Hermione "Someone's chipper this morning. What's gotten you this morning?" Hermione asked. Luna let go of Hermione and laid her head in her thigh. "I'm just happy. It's been a long time since we've done this you know." Luna answered, "I know, I missed this too." Hermione replied.

"We should do this again. Maybe next summer, and we should drink some beer or fire whiskey to make it more fun." Luna said.

"Aren't we too young to drink beer?" Hermione said

"It's better that we get drunk and know how much alcohol we can handle with the people you trust and care than getting drunk with strangers that will probably take advantage of us girls Hermione. Like Sophie, who was taken advantage by her own classmate because she gotten drunk after we won the cup last year." Luna argued.

Hermione nodded, she could see that it was a good idea and why it was better. "I guess you're right. I mean who would take advantage of us when it's just the three of us." Hermione said.

"The two can probably take advantage of Harry." Luna said giggling at the ideas. Hermione giggled at the idea of messing with Harry. She was about to say when Harry shouted "Food's ready" Hermione and Luna looked at him and then at each other and both nodded. "We'll talk later" Hermione said and Luna nodded as a reply. The two of them went to the kitchen to help Harry set the table so they can eat. When they were done preparing the trio sat down and began eating. "What's the plan today?" Luna asked Harry and Hermione, when she looked at the two of them and knew the meaning of their faces. "Come on guys, let's spend the day together. Let's have some fun." Luna said excitedly with cute puppy eyes to the two of them. Harry was definitely sold to the idea of having fun and looked at Hermione with an expression that begged her to join the two of them.

"What the hell, I'll send my mum and dad to inform them I'm coming home late." Hermione said. The two jump cheerily and high fived. "Great, I have some plans to enjoy this day. I'm thinking we should do some Christmas shopping in Diagon Alley. We always go to the muggle districts and shops for Christmas. This time why don't we go magical?" Luna suggested with excitement in her voice, while looking up dreamily.

"I think that's a great idea. We should also go to some restaurants at Diagon Alley. Hermione and I never really had been into those places as of yet." Harry said. The trio continued planning while eating, after they were done they started preparing to go to Diagon Alley. An hour and a half later the camp was already empty as its usual occupants went out to have fun.

Harry and Luna were sitting in the mattress at the front of the TV watching a movie. Hermione had already went home as it was already late. The two of them were slouching while touching their stomachs. "So full." Harry said, closing his eyes and he laid down. "We did ate quite a lot didn't we?" Luna said, who also closed his eyes and kept massaging her stomach, Luna looked at her stomach and saw the little bulge forming. "I'm getting fat." Luna said. Harry looked at her and see that she had a small bulge in her stomach. He looked over to his and see that he had one too. "Me too, I bet Hermione is too." Harry replied, Luna nodded as a response. "Maybe we should change the general workroom into a workout room. We haven't put stuff in there and I really don't see us working there. Or we can enroll into a martial arts class." Harry continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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