Gets better with time

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AN: Hey guys, thank you so much for the support and love you have given for this story Sad news I won't be continuing this story already. There is still another 2 chapters left but sadly I am not able to continue this work anymore as I had ran out of ideas. I will publish another story though, it will still be AU so keep an eye for that.

July 31, 1991

The Potters were laying down in the living room, it was an exhausting day for them. It was Scott's birthday today, they first went to Diagon Alley, to shop for Harry and Scott's school supplies, and they went 9am in the morning. They had to go very early to avoid the crowd. Especially avoiding the media and the people who want to see the boy-who-lived. They left Lily to watch Rose while James, Harry and Scott went to Diagon Alley to shop. And since it was still early, few people were to disturb them. James wanted to buy Harry and Scott Nimbus 2000s but Harry had bought himself a Nimbus 1500 which was the best broom two years ago and Scott was not allowed a broom so he just bought them a snitch. After that they went to buy the books. Harry and Scott took very long in the bookshop. Harry was finding books for Luna and Hermione. While Scott had the fascination for books like their mother did. When they were done shopping they immediately went home to celebrate Scott's birthday.

James and Lily decided to have a dinner party for the boy-who-lived birthday party and an afternoon celebration with just the five of them for Scott's birthday celebration. They decided while the house elf prepares the house for the dinner party, the five of them would go around the muggle town where they could be just a normal family and celebrate Scott's birthday.

There were a few of the families that they wanted to celebrate the birthday with a few families like the Blacks, Lupins Longbottoms, Bones, Abbots and Weasleys. The rest were just, friends, acquaintances and the people they just invited so they won't seem to be snobs but it was necessary as a political move. It was boring, and it ended at 12 midnight. They put Rose in bed early and put more security wards upstairs. Harry had wanted to go upstairs and sleep, but Scott was also suffering from the party, he opted to stay with him and suffer with him. But it wasn't all bad, he had met Scott's friends and had acquired some customers for buying their map. But when it ended, he helped in cleaning up before heading upstairs to sleep.

August 3 1991

Ever since Harry had reconcile with his parents, he had spent less time at the camp, he took breakfast with them would arrive at the camp by 10 and would go home by 8 or 9 in the evening, Hermione would arrive at the same time as him or sometimes in the afternoon but she would go home by 5 so she can join supper with her family. There were even days when she would not come so she can babysit David. Luna on the other hand would go to the camp by 3 or 4 days in a week and would always go home by 6 or 7 in the evening. They had given her a bicycle so she can easily travel in Godric's hollow, she would floo to her uncle's house in Godric's Hollow and would just ride to the camp. After the vacation Harry went with his family, they had become closer than ever, especially with Rose acting like a glue for the family, she would break the awkwardness that was present and would infect them with her cheerful, playful and energetic personality. Harry and Scott had also bonded over junk items, Harry would teach him how to fix these junks.

He now spent even less time on the camp, he now comes at a time within 10am to 2pm and would usually go home at supper, the same time Hermione would go home, there times when the two of them spent 8-12 hours at the camp just to work, especially with their big projects and to arrange the second tent, which Luna had provided, it had 2 bedrooms of equal size as the storage room of the 1st tent and a small lounge to relax. The 3 had agreed to remove their bedrooms in the 1st tent since they now always come home to sleep and that they can always sleep in the living room.

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