Two Potters at Hogwarts

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September 1991

The Potters arrived at the Platform 20 minutes before it leaves, Lily was talking to the boys, asking if they had everything in them and that if they had not forgotten anything. James then told them to always stay safe and not look for troubles. Harry and Scott looked down to say goodbye to Rose and saw that she had tears running down her cheeks, Harry picked her up and tried to soothe her.

"Don't cry Rose, we're going to be back at Christmas, we're also going to write to you tons and send you lots of gifts." Scott said, but Rose didn't react to that and still cried silently. "Yeah we'll keep sending you gifts and toys we promise." Harry continued, and Rose just nodded and hugged Harry, after a while "Why don't you say goodbye to Scott too, he needs your hug" Harry said, then gave Rose to Scott who pick her up and hugged her, which she reciprocated.

"Okay, the two of you need to get on board or you'll be left." James said, Scott then put Rose down and Lily hold her tiny hand and lead her to her side. "Goodbye you two, try to keep out of trouble and always stay safe" James said patting a shoulder to Harry and Scott, Lily continued "Also, always keep up with your studies and do try to enjoy your time at Hogwarts" she said, Scott then hugged the two of them, "Yeah, I'll do my best to do everything you said and you don't have to worry Neville, Susan and Hannah will make sure I won't do something stupid." He said, then he pulled back and said one last good bye to Rose.

After the hug, James and Lily looked at Harry and were unsure what to do, they wanted to hug him like they did with Scott but was unsure if Harry wanted to hug them too. Seeing the awkward feeling between them Harry decided to break the silence "I'll also make sure to keep Scott safe and out of trouble" he said. "Also, keep yourself out of danger and trouble too, and do your best at your studies and have fun." James said, he then mustered his courage and walked forward to hug him, Harry was taken aback by his gesture, but easily composed himself and awkwardly returned the hug. After James hugged him, Lily walked forward and hugged him too, she was trying to catch up all the hugs she didn't gave her son before with this one hug, she pulled back and said "if you ever need something, or having some trouble or just want to talk you know we're just one letter away." Lily said

"Don't worry, I'll send the two of you letters." Harry replied. James then interjected, "thank you Harry, for giving us a chance to be part of your life." he said, Harry look at him and nodded with a smile, "I should go before all compartments are taken." Harry replied and he went to Rose to say his goodbye and hug one more time. Scott and Harry then boarded the train and looked at them to wave goodbye. After the train had left, Scott and Harry separated to be with their friends.

Harry, Hermione and Luna were sitting at the Ravenclaw table for the opening feast, they were awaiting for the arrivals of the first years, the hall was buzzing, they were curious and excited about seeing the boy-who-lived and where he would be sorted. Harry had even participated on a bet on where Scott was going to be sorted. Harry gambled 2 galleons on him being sorted to Gryffindor. After betting, he went to his quidditch team to catch up with them, Hermione and Luna talk to their fellow classmates and their study group about their summers and about the boy-who-lived.

The talking stopped, when the doors opened and Professor McGonagall escorted the first years, this batch of first years were the last war babies, it also had the names of many prominent of families, the most in a year, Harry guessed, the only classmate that Harry had that were one of the prominent families was Cedric Diggory, but this first years had a Potter, Longbottom, Bones, Macmillan, Smith, Boot, Turpin, Corner, Greengrass, Parkinson, Zabini and Malfoy, Weasley would also be part of it, even though their father was respected in the Ministry and their mother was a Prewett which was also a prominent name in Britain, their status as being poor really hindered their social status. When the sorting had begun Bones and Abbott went to Huflepuff, Boot, Corner and Turpin went to Ravenclaw, Greengrass, Malfoy and Parkinson went to Slytherin, while the only Gryffindor was Longbottom.

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