Reconnection and Tricks

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When Hermione woke up, it was 4 in the afternoon, she then got up and heard a rumble from her stomach, seeing that she was hungry, she looked around and found that there was food prepared at the table in front of the couch, she went to grab the food and ate it slowly. She continued to ponder on what she should do with her parents and Harry. It was tougher for Harry and she knows it, when she was done eating, she knew what to do about the situation the first thing she needs to do is reassure Harry. She then went to his workshop, knock on his door "Harry, can we talk for a bit?" Hermione requested.

"Hey you're finally awake I was wondering when you'll wake up." Harry then stopped what he was doing and went to her "So, do you know what to do?" Harry asked.

Hermione nodded her head yes "Yes I know what to do, but I just want to tell you that it will definitely change things around here but it won't change the dynamic of our friendship, you will still be my first priority first and foremost." Hermione said.

Harry hugged her after she was done "Thanks I needed to hear that, you're my first priority too just so you know" Harry then went inside to his workshop and continued working


Hermione went to her house before dinner to talk to her parents. When she finally arrived, the three of them were in the living room again

"I've been thinking about what you said and decided that I will give us a chance. But it doesn't I have forgiven you." Hermione said

"That's all we need. Thank you very much and we'll try very hard to make it up to you we promise." Her mother declared to Hermione. Hermione then smiled at her declaration. "I would still need to leave during the day to work and I also need your signature for my Hogsmead permission slip."

"Everything you need, we'll try to give you" her father said.


Harry was having a big problem, no one could sign his Hogsmead permission slip. He was thinking of forging the signature or having Sirius sign it. He was walking towards the room. When someone bumped on him, seeing that it was his brother, and idea popped into his head. "Hey Scott, do you want to earn 2 galleons?" Harry asked presenting 5 galleon in front of Scott. Scott's faced turned into an excited expression. "Yes, what should I do?" Scott asked

"Well it's really easy, all you have to do is make mum or dad sign this paper right here" Harry instructed, pointing his finger at the signature line. "I can do it if you can make it look like a fan mail" Scott suggested. "Wait for a minute" Harry then went to his room to charm the parchment, "Okay, here get them to sign it and you can have my 2 galleons."

30 minutes later Scott went to Harry's room to give him the signed parchment. "Good job Scott. Here" Harry then handed him 3 galleons. "I added 1 galleon as an appreciation. Pleasure doing business with you Scott." Harry then closed his room and put the slip in his trunk. 'Well that was really easy'


The rest of the summer had been almost the same as the previous ones, only now Hermione was spending less time at the camp and more time at her house, though she did spend more time in the camp than in her house. Harry was feeling jealousy towards Hermione and instead of dealing with those feeling he just worked harder, with more focus and time. Though by the end of August Harry's jealousy he was feeling all summer had wane down a lot. When it was June, Harry had been working triple time. By July, his jealousy had started to wane down a bit though the jealousy was still there.  But Harry's negative thoughts that had welled up in the back of his mind had poured down on him.

It was Harry's birthday and Hermione thought they would spend it by going to the arcade and then the carnival near their town. She did notice that there was a noticeable change in Harry's demeanor, but she tried ignored it, maybe it was just him adjusting in the recent changes and that over time he would return to his normal self. Though she was worried that he would change his attitude towards her, and that would ruin their friendship. She knew it was about her and her parents but she pretended as if nothing changed between them, and that whatever Harry is going through, he would definitely move past it and that this was just a challenge in their friendship would still survive and would be stronger than ever. Harry on the other hand was very happy, he never had his birthday celebrated before, but there was a something he needed more than this and he knew what it was subconsciously but was denying it to his very core. His parents, he would wish that his parents would come to their senses like Mr. and Mrs. Granger did. He was a little sad about it and jealous of Hermione too, but he ignored it, thinking he should have fun today and celebrate. When they arrive at their camp, Harry thanked Hermione for what's she's done for him today. Hermione then said that it was no problem and that it was their tradition. Hermione then left to go to her house and Harry opted to staying at camp to sleep at the tent. When Harry went to bed, his negative thoughts took over him. That he, as always been and always be. ALONE. That Hermione too would leave her sooner or later once she is done with him. Finding that he can't sleep, he set out to work to ignore this negative thoughts in his mind.

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