Chapter One

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The year is 2019 and God had just unloaded the biggest bomb of all time. That is after getting rid of Jack, also known as Lucifer's son, yes as in the devil.  Jack had been more like the way Lucifer had started out, an angel of light.  He had a heart as pure as his mother's, with a wide smile, golden hair, and eyes as blue as the most beautiful oceans.  With a snap of God's fingers he had been taken from his three friends.. no family.  The men had been more like family and they had loved him as such.. even deep in their hearts they still had loved him, even when they realized his power had grown too great for his naive heart.  Now God unleashed another bomb without even a second to grieve or even comprehend the chaos which had ensued around them.  Without blinking an eye after Jack's demise in the same breath God had just told Dean and Sam Winchester that he had been running the show the whole time, like it was all a game to him! Their lives were a game?! Shock spilled over the faces of the Winchester boys. Dean, with his hard edges, dark hair, and hazel eyes that could be golden one minute and the most jade green the next.  Sam, with his golden-brown hair and eyes to match.  Along with their good friend, both surrogate brother and angel, yes an actual angel, Cas, they all could not believe it.
     Cas crystal blue eyes filled with pain for both the new loss he felt and the news of pure deceit and betrayal for his friends.  Without any time to extinguish the anger that came creeping like a chill in the air, all of a sudden they were surrounded by a ton of monsters with no where to run. God cast down his bombs of explosion... of death and words, and now an all out attack... and then he was just, gone.  Cas fell to his knees, clutching his head with both hands. "Cas!" Dean yelled in his scruffy voice, worried for his friend.
"I'm getting a vision. Ahh!" Cas said, clearly this vision was a painful experience. Sam and Dean stared, as hundreds of monsters swarmed around them staring at the three men.
"We must find the savior," Cas shouts.
"Well that's swell there Cas," Sam interjects, "but how the hell are we even going to get out of here?"
"We fight and we run, that hill over there" Cas points to about ten feet from where they all stand, "that's where we have to get to."
"Awesome," says Dean.
The three men, backs to each other swing fists in the air, ducking and punching for what feels like an eternity. Finally the men make it on the outskirts of the monsters. But they do not have much time and more and more monsters appear, and they are closing in fast. The three give it all they have to run. They reach the cliff barely a fingertip away from a couple of vampires closing in, a couple are a little too familiar.  They are used to fighting monsters, they have been doing it their whole lives.  But they already killed the ones that burn towards them now, like a flame as it catches a moth in it's burning hot clutches.  God has brought them back, and is now gone.  No doubt somewhere enjoying the show. 
"Great, what now?" Asks Sam.
"Now we jump." Says Cas.
"We what?" Asks Dean.
"Jump!" Cas yells, in a half demanding and half pleading voice.
The three jump, and all of sudden the ground that seemed so far away disappears and is not there at all.
"What the.." Sam says.
"Exactly where are we falling to Cas?" Dean yells, as they continue to fall with nothing to land on in sight.
"A small town called Starshollow. That's where we will find the savior."
All of a sudden Sam has a puzzled look on his face. "Why does that sound so familiar?" He asks.
"What friggen savior?" Dean asks.

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