Chapter Fifteen

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(All points of view)
(Because, let's face it, to put all the pieces together we need all hands on deck now.)

"Nia." Someone has said, one or both of the girls.
"Actually, Nia is short for Deana... Deana Gilmore. But sometimes I go by my fathers last name, even though he does not even know I exist, Deana Forester. Sorry I said it was Rester, I guess I just wasn't ready to face the truth."
All three guys look really confused. It was as if pieces of the puzzle were floating around them. But yet they did not quite fit together yet.
"D.G." Cas says this in a whisper. Though if he had yelled it the girls still may not have heard him. Both Rory and her mother stood still as a stone statue, mouths wide open.
"How could this even be possible?" Rory finally manages, touching her swollen belly. Yup baby was still inside.
"Yeah, lets take this inside. I'd like to be on my couch when my body goes into full shock," Rory's mother states. "Lorelei, by the way."
Everyone shuffles inside. "Okay, I do not even know where to start here." Lorelei says. "A drink, would anyone like a drink. We got coffee. Or scotch, I think I have a bottle of scotch somewhere."
"Yes," Dean says. All five shuffle to the living room, except Lorelei who goes to make coffee and find the scotch. She is muttering, "It's not possible. It is just not possible."
"Okay, how about you start Nia. Tell us what you know."  Cas states, the only one at the moment appearing to hold his composure.
Nia takes in a deep breath and holds it in her chest before letting it out slowly. "Okay, so if you haven't guessed it yet, I am from the future. I was sent through some portal frequency. I am not exactly sure how that all worked."
Lorelei comes back into the room then. Taking a swig of the bottle of scotch. "That is just not possible. We live in the real world, not some fictional movie or book."
"Actually, a certain fictional book plays a huge part of this story, but I will get to that in just a minute."
"Mom, just let her talk." Rory says this, although doubt plays at her furrowed brows. Lorelei takes another swig, and then passes it to Dean's outstretched hand.
"Okay, so way before that my mom, Rory, had me almost sixteen years ago. Only my dad, Dean Forester who thinks he is Sam Winchester, did not know. They had a big breakup when mom was in college. She thinks Logan, the guy she was with the night they broke up is the dad. But I can assure you he is not. Mom still being in love with Dean names me Deana. She hasn't told Logan about me either because he is now married to another woman. But in her mind she had pushed Dean out because she was so heart broken."
"Well, I'm still as confused as ever." Dean states. They were all very confused at this point, but Nia pressed on.

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