Chapter Sixteen

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"So to update from here," Nia states. "Rory is my mom, Lorelei is my grand mom, and Dean who believes he is Sam is my dad."
"Does that mean I'm your uncle?" Dean asks.
"Not exactly." Nia replies.
Dean pinches the bridge of his nose, bracing himself as he passes the bottle. The bottle has returned to Lorelei and she takes another deep swig of the brown liquid. Castiel sits looking skeptical. But Sam, he is rendered speechless.
"So, mom is heart broken. But my dad, Dean... or Sam... he is beyond heart broken.  You see my mom, Rory, was the love of his life.  It was always her, like in a way that only happens in romance novels and movies.  She had broken his heart once before, and when it happens a second time his heart is so shattered it actually causes an alternate reality."  Nia pauses for everyone to catch up and catch their breath.
     "Okay look, so I can admit when I saw this girl," he points to Rory, "I did feel a pull towards her and I can admit that I couldn't shake this feeling that she had answers to why everyone was calling me Dean.  But alternate reality?"  Sam is looking skeptical... or maybe just scared.  Because if he has been living in an alternate reality then what the hell does that mean for him?
     Cas finally speaks up and interjects.  "Well Sam, we have seen both time travel and alternate realities.  If this girl really is a savior, then we need to consider every possibility."
     "Time travel."  Lorelei questions, as she takes another swig of the scotch.
     "Alternate realities."  Rory questions.  "I kind of wish I could drink right now.  I mean how can you be here and in my belly.  How could I just forget Dean all this time?  How could he be living in an alternate reality?  I saw him though, I saw Dean and he was married... with children... and now... my child... I... I..."
     "Okay slow down hun."  Lorelei says.  She stands to go sit by Rory's side, but quickly thumps back down, shooting her hands up to her head.  "Woah, okay maybe I should slow down too."  Lorelei slams the bottle, now only two-thirds of a way full, into Dean's hand.  "There you go time traveler, or whoever you are."
      "Well..." Nia says hesitantly.  "There is a big part of that story too... we are almost there in the story, just bare with me."  Everyone nods now, quite literally on the edge of their seats with shameless anticipation.  They needed answers, each one of them.  This was their lives here... wasn't it?

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