Chapter Four

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     "We will figure it out," Sam states, "just like we always have.  I don't think that woman was telling us the truth though, do you guys?"  Both men shake their head.  "Cas, why don't you follow her anyway, just don't let her see you.  Dean and I will see what else we can find out and we'll meet back at that gazebo in an hour."
     Cas nods his head and ducks out the door once again.  Just then the Bobby-looking guy comes over.  "Hey Dean, who are your friends?"
     Dean responds, "Excuse me, do I know you?"
     "No, I was talking to Dean."  The guy says, looking at Sam.
     "His name is Dean.  I'm Sam, and sorry sir, but I don't think I know you." Sam says.
     "Okay fine," the man barks.  "You want to pretend you don't know me, fine.  Is this about Rory?  Because I thought you both had moved on.  Aren't you married with a bunch of kids?"
     "You must really have me confused with someone else." Sam now looks more flustered than ever, shifting his body uncomfortably.  Dean chuckles in amusement.  The man shakes his head and walks away.  Sam looks at Dean, "Thanks for having my back there."
     "Sorry, De-een."  Dean says, still chuckling.
     Sam rolls his eyes.  "Can we focus."  The men pay the bill and walk outside.  "This town is starting to give me the creeps.  Who is this guy that these people think is me?  Where is this savior already?" Suddenly Sam feels eyes on him as two girls pass by. One girl with an angelic face, big blue eyes and a swollen pregnant belly says the name "Dean" so faint it is barely a whisper. The other girl with her seems to usher her past, that other girl is me. Even though Sam seems to notice this he doesn't remember who he actually is, and so he doesn't know the secret that I do. The key to stopping this mass murder from happening.

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