Chapter Thirteen

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"Can you just go back outside?" Sam is pleading with both Dean and Cas. "If she wakes up surrounded by three strangers we are going to scare her."
"Well she is calling you my name, I think I should be here." Dean states.
"If I had my powers I could have healed her already." Cas says in a bleak voice.
"Oh yeah," says Sam. "Because that wouldn't freak her out."
Suddenly a shrill cry breaks through the boys conversation. "My baby!"
All three men turn to face the girl which they had not even realized had gained consciousness. Dean and Cas stay frozen in their spots, but Sam goes to the girl's side.
"No look, your baby is okay. The... the book hit you on your head, but when you went to fall I caught you."  The girl looks around. She is leaned against a wall by the shelf, a jacket aiding as an impromptu pillow.
"Dean, what is going on? I have not seen you in what feels like years. Now you show up and drop a book on my head. Are you back because you heard I was pregnant?" The girl looks at him with pleading eyes.
"Listen, my name is Sam. But everyone around here keeps calling me Dean. But see, that is Dean, my brother over there." Sam points to where Dean is standing.
"What are you talking about?!" Sam is not sure if the girl is asking this, or demanding it by the tone of her voice and the way she is looking at him right now. She continues, "You are Dean. Dean Forester... Forester... Rester... oh. My. God." Now the girls blue eyes no longer focus on Sam, her look is now far from where they stand.
"Who is this Dean guy, and how do you know him? Who are you?" Sam asks all at once.
"I am Rory, Rory Gilmore. He... you... Dean... well... well who are you, if you are not Dean?"
"I told you... Sam... Sam Winchester." Something about hearing this girls name makes Sam's stomach twist into a knot.
The girl's jaw suddenly drops and a look of shock covers her face. Clearly hearing his full name effects her as well, if not even more so. For the first time ever Rory Gilmore is at a loss for words. She knows what she wants to say next, but hesitates. Relenting Rory turns to Sam and says, "Could you come to my house?  There is something I need to show you."

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