Chapter Five

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(Nia's point of view)
"I could have sworn I know that guy we just passed". Rory says this and I cuss to myself. Of course he would show up, believing he could save the world. But I was not ready for that just yet. I knew it had to happen. I knew the truth needed to be revealed. But honestly, I was not sure what would happen after. It is not like I was given an instruction manual. Plus, I was really enjoying my time here, right now, and I was not quite ready for it to change. I paint a smile on my face as I turn to Rory. "Perhaps he just has one of those familiar kind of faces," I say and I hope that I am convincing enough for her to drop the subject.
"Perhaps," Rory agrees.
"Besides," I add, "you have more important things to worry about". Rory smiles as her hand automatically goes to her swollen belly. "I just cannot believe this baby will never know her father".
"Well she will have an awesome mother," I smile at Rory. "Not to mention an entire town that loves her." Rory laughs. It is no secret this town is as close as they come, more like one big family really. Lucky for me this town is also really welcoming of a newcomer that showed up just a couple weeks ago.
As if reading my mind Rory turns to me, "I am still not sure what brought you to Starshollow, but I am really grateful you came here Nia".
"Girls where have you been?" Suddenly a voice which has become very familiar to me rings through the air. The dazzling Lorelei Gilmore. Rory's mother, if it wasn't obvious, with their dark brown hair and big blue eyes they were practically twins. Both women have charmed me just as much as I have charmed them, though I could be a little bias... but that is a tale for a different time. Currently I am feeling like a child being scolded. Strangely, it makes me feel scared and the warmth of having someone who cares all at the same time.
In unison Rory and I turn to the woman commanding attention, flash a smile and say surgery sweet, "sorry".

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