Chapter Six

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                                      (Continuing Nia's point of view)

"Girls you know I need to know where you are at all times.  Especially if you are wearing my sweater," Lorelei says, gesturing towards me. "And if you are carrying my granddaughter." She finishes, gesturing towards Rory.
"Sorry!" Rory and I both say this at the same time. Lorelei looks back and forth between us, rolls her eyes and shakes her head. But the smile she wears reaches all the way up to her eyes.
"I swear if I did not know any better Nia I would swear you were a Gilmore." Lorelei laughs at this.
I smile, but hope that they do not remember what I said my last name was. It was one of the few things I had been completely honest about. But now I could see people were starting to remember.  It will do nobody any good to remember, not yet anyway.  I silently pray that Lorelei and Rory do not remember right now. But what will I say if they ask?
As if a psychic link has been drawn between us for the second time in only a matter of minutes it feels as if a Gilmore girl reads my mind. Just then Lorelei asks, "What did you say your last name was Nia?"
Oh no! What do I say? I compose myself on the inside, all the while I am freaking out and losing it on the inside.
"Oh, my last name?" I ask, as if I did not actually hear her correctly.
"Yes Nia. Your last name, what is it?" Lorelei stares at me expectantly.
"It is... it's Forester."
     "Hmm," is all Lorelei says in response.  I wish that link I had felt would allow me to read her mind.  But it does not, and I know I will have to come clean with the whole story eventually.  Just not right now.

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