Chapter Seven

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(Back to the guys)

     An hour seems to pass in the blink of an eye as the three men stroll up to the gazebo to meet up once again as they had planned.  Frustration painted on each one of their faces.
     "I hope you had better luck than us Cas," Dean states.  "Because either no one knows anyone with the initials D.G., or they ain't talking."
Cas scrunches his eye brows together, "I am afraid not. Following that woman was a waste of time. She went to some studio, which only had little children there. Apparently she teaches them to dance while she smokes a cigarette from a long plastic wand. It was a most disturbing hour I can assure you."
The three stand in silence for a moment. "Do you think the person we are looking for could be a child?" Sam questions. The three think about this. It could be a possibility. It would not be the first time they were looking for someone who at least was in a child's body. The three shivered in unison as they recalled Lilith, a horrific demon who slaughtered thousands and who's very death had lead to the actual apocalypse.
"I really hope not," Sam stated. Then Sam recalled something while Dean and he had been searching that he had not thought too much about at the time. "Dean, do you remember that pregnant woman we saw?"
Dean's mouth fell in an O shape and his eyes look blank. "Hmm... no definitely not. Was she hot?"
Sam squints his eyes at his brother. "Not even the point right now."
"So, she was hot?" Dean's nose crinkled as his mouth formed a huge grin.
"Can you focus please?" Sam asks, frustration clearly written on his face. "She was walking with another woman..."
"Was that woman hot?" Dean asks, interrupting.
"Dean please." Sam stated.
"Sorry." Dean apologized.
Sam continues his point, eyes wide at his brother. He loved his brother more than anything, but right now if Dean interrupted him again, he just might have to punch him. "So get this, these two women walked passed us, one pregnant and one a bit younger I believe. The one that was pregnant I could have sworn said the name Dean as we walked passed. But I think she was talking about me... about this Dean guy that everyone thinks I am. Maybe if we find this girl we will get some answers."
The three men think about this for a moment. "Well it couldn't hurt. Plus it is the closet thing to lead we have. Also..." Dean pauses... "I bet they're hot." At this Dean raises his eye brows. Sam turns and starts to walk away, and Cas follows.
"Hey, where are you guys going?" Dean asks.
"To find the girl Dean. Hopefully she can at least tell me why everyone keeps calling me your name."
"You wish you were this awesome." Dean states.
Sam shakes his head and continues to walk away. Cas follows, and so does Dean. Though Dean is smiling, still amused with himself.

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