Chapter Two

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Suddenly there was a flash of light and a sizzling and popping sound, like when foil is put in a microwave. Then just quiet as the three adjust their eyes. The guys hear voices as they slowly open their eyes. When they look around they are all sitting on a bench under a white gazebo, it sits in the middle of a field. It seems to be the center of this town.. this Starshollow. "What are we, in Mayberry?" asks Dean, a sarcastic tone to his voice.
"I have learned a lot in my travels with you guys, but that reference eludes me Dean." Cas replies, serious as ever in his monotone voice. Sam chuckles a small chuckle, almost a more of a small burst, and cracks a beautiful big smile. It almost makes a person forget what peril the men are in right now.  The fact is the biggest murder of all time is about to take place if they do not do something about it, the murder and extinguishment of all of mankind.  They must focus.  Almost as if he has just realized this Dean stands to his feet, his broad shoulders suddenly less relaxed and more ready for action.  "Okay, so what do we do to find this savior?"
     Cas scans the area.  "I am not sure.  My vision only told me what town to go to.  There were whispers that I must find the savior with the initials D. G."
     "Well that's a start I guess.  But we are not going to find anyone by just standing here."  Dean says.  The three men nod in agreement.  They slowly begin to walk around the picturesque town.  People are walking around with smiles on their faces.  There is a market with fresh fruit displayed outside, a candy shop, and next to the candy shop is a diner.  'Luke's'. 
     Dean stops in his tracks.  "Hey maybe we can find some information in there."  Suddenly his broad shoulders relax slightly once again.  Sam, who appears at first to tower over Dean but actually only stands a couple inches taller, rolls his eyes which are almost hidden by his slightly long honey-brown hair.
     "Maybe."  Cas says, seemingly unaware of Deans ulterior motive, food!  Regardless of how pure the reason the three men make their way inside.  A man with broad shoulders, similar to the three men, blue eyes, shaggy brown hair and a blue baseball cap that sits backwards on his head barks at them to pick a seat.
     "Is it me, or does that guy remind you of Bobby?"  Dean asks. Bobby is a bit older than the guys, a little rough around the edges, and just as much a father to them as their own flesh and blood father had been.
      "Hmm."  Sam replies, raising his brows in consideration.  The three order their food while surveying the diner.  It's fairly small in size and only a couple more tables are occupied.

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