Chapter Fourteen

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Although Rory is still not completely sure what is going on, it is clear she cannot blame this situation on hormones. No, this is much bigger than that. Maybe even bigger than all of them.
Even though it is three guys and one girl, that is pregnant no less, the guys are equally nervous as they follow this girl with blue eyes and an angelic face. They have learned better than to trust a pretty face, especially an angelic one.
     It may have seemed like hours or even days as everyone was on edge, but it was only a few short minutes before the four reached a mailbox that said 'Gilmore' across it.
     "This is it," Rory says.  "Um, about my mom, she will probably have questions."
     "She's not the only one."  Dean states.  No one objects or makes a snarky comment.  The four just turn and march up to the house solemnly.
     Before their feet are standing solid on the top of the porch the front door swings open.  "Rory, where have you been?"  By process of elimination this must be Rory's mother.  However, to say this is not the image any of the guys had conjured in their head was an understatement.  This woman was similar to Rory in many ways.  Both had brown hair and big blue eyes, slim figures (baby bump aside) and stood fairly tall.  Both were stunning.  They could easily pass for sisters.
     "Hello mom."  Dean said this in a hushed tone, but clearly everyone heard it.
     "Who are you guys?  Because I have an inn, it's just not here.  If you're traveling salesmen I'm pretty sure I own it already."  The woman laughed at her own joke... however mid-laugh she stopped and froze.  "Dean, is that you?"
     Sam at this point is really ready for the truth.  Even though he has just met these women, hasn't he?  Sam bursts out, "Look, can one of you explain to me what exactly is going on here?  Because for the last time, my name is Sam.  Sam Winchester."
     Rory's mother can't help the burst of laugh which escapes her lips.  Sam purses his lips together and his cheeks begin to blush.
     "An explanation would seem appropriate at this time."  Cas interjects.  He has remained quiet most of this time.  But suddenly he feels something telling him they are running out of time.
     Just then a soft voice from behind them says, "I think I can explain.  At least I can explain most of it."
     All eyes turn to look at the girl with honey-gold hair and blue eyes, similar to the other two ladies, yet somehow different.
     "Nia?" Someone says.

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