Chapter Three

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     After a few tense moments of taking in their new surroundings, the three men's orders are brought to the table. A burger for Dean, a salad for Sam, and just a coffee for Cas.
Dean bites into his burger. "Wow. This is the best burger I've ever had." Dean proclaims. Sam looks at him in annoyance.
"That's great Dean, but what do we think of the people. Cas, what do you think? Any savior here?"
Cas looks around. "No, I fear there's nothing here." As Cas looks around he notices an older woman with flaming-bright red hair looking their way.
"Hey there, you deliciously gorgeous creatures looking for someone? Couldn't help notice you looking around, but then again kind of hard not to notice you." The woman lets out a laugh just then. It is meant to be flirty, but sounds a little creepy when you have seen as many monsters as these guys have. The woman sees the guys unsure expressions and anxious faces. "Well don't be shy fellas, if you are looking for anyone in town Patty can surly be of help, right Dean." The woman seems to be looking at Sam when she says this, but Dean gives an unsure half smile anyway at the sound of his name.
Not seeming to notice, Cas gets up from his seat just then, he walks over to the woman. "We are looking for someone with the initials D. G."
The look on Patty's face is a puzzled one as she considers the initials D. G. Patty hesitates maybe just a moment too long before finally replying, "Well I can assure you that there is no one that currently lives in this town by those initials."
     Cas looks into Patty's big brown eyes, "You know the initials of every single person who lives in this town?"  It is more a question of Patty's validity than a general question.
     "This is a small town.  Everyone here knows everyone I can assure you."
     "Thank you."  Cas says, even though the woman had been of very little help.
     "Well then," Patty suddenly gets to her feet.  "I need to get back to my dance studio.  Someone must mold those future ballerinas.  Safe travels fellas."
     With that Patty was out the door.  Was that her way of telling the guys to keep moving?  The guys all looked at each other.  "Well that was a lot of help."  Dean retorted. 
     "Maybe it was."  Cas said.  "I am going to follow her."  In a flash Cas was out the door.  However, just as quickly he came flying back inside.  "There's a problem."  Cas said to the other two men in a hushed tone, and they looked at him expectantly.  "It seems I don't have any of my powers here."
     "That's just great," Dean said.  "We're stuck here and you don't have any angel mojo?  How are we supposed to get back?"

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