Chapter Eight

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     As the three men walk along the clean and quiet sidewalks of the picturesque town smiling faces meet them at every turn.  However none of these faces look like either of the girls Sam had seen.  "So we have only the initials of one person, who we do not even know if they are a man, woman, or child.  Then we got the hopes that this girl can give us some answers, yet we have no idea what her name or even initials are?"  Dean asks as the three walk side by side.
     "Pretty much sums it up, yeah," Sam states.  "But look, this town does not exactly seem all that big.  I think we should not even ask about this girl.  This town, everyone seems to know each other.  If there is something to hide, then they could be covering it up.  I think we have a better chance of just running into her if we keep our mouths shut and our eyes open."
     "Oh, come on!  You think a whole entire town could be in on covering for this person with the initials D.G.?  Or even this girl we are trying to find?"  Dean asks, as if he already knows that the idea is ridiculous and not even possible.
     "Dean, I think we need to consider the impossible at this point.  It is not like we have not faced the impossible before."  Cas states.
     "Well I will tell you what is impossible right now.  It is finding this girl."  Dean replies.  "We have been walking for a hour, and I am starving."
     "Dean, it's been twenty minutes."  Sam says, letting out a breath of frustration.
      "Well it feels like an hour."  Dean throws his arms in the air.  Clearly each of them has grown frustrated with the search, and not being any closer to getting answers to when they first dropped into this weirdly cozy town.  "Can we at least go back to that diner and get some food.  Maybe even that pregnant chick will be there.  Don't they like to eat?"
     "I am not sure she would go there if that red-haired lady... Patty... if she had warned her.  If she figures out that the girl can help us, she would warn her."  Cas states, his face serious, eyes wide in thought.
     Dean sighs in defeat and lowers his head.  "Cas may have a point Dean.  Even though he didn't see her do anything after, you cannot deny she was acting very strange."  Sam states.
     "I got news for you guys," Dean raises his head.  "I am pretty sure that lady was just plain weird, and that is why she was acting strange."
     "Look," Sam points across the street.  "That place says Al's Pancake World.  Why don't we go there.  Then we keep looking.  I bet they have sausage..."
     "Fine."  Dean reply's, as he crosses his arms.  The three men cross the street and enter Al's.  As soon as they walk in the door Sam spots the younger girl that had been with the pregnant one earlier.  Unfortunate for him, she spots him at the same time.  As soon as she does the girl jumps from her seat and bolts out the back.
     "Did you see her?"  Sam asks.
      "See who?"  Dean and Cas ask at the same time.
      "The girl... the girl who was with the pregnant one.  She saw me and took off.  Now you want to tell me again I'm not onto something that either one or both of those girls knows something?" Sam looks expectantly at his two comrades.
      "Well where did she go?"  Dean asks looking around.
     Cas makes his way over to the waitress taking an order.  "Excuse me, but who was that girl that was just here?"
     The waitress turns to Cas, a blank look on her face.  "The girl that was just here," Cas asks again.  "What was her name?"
     "Oh," the waitress replies with a sugary sweet smile on her face.  "That was Nia."

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