Chapter Eighteen

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     "I remember."  It was Cas who said this.
     "Just what do you remember Cas?"  Dean asks, eyes wide.  "Because I know I am Dean... not someone named Jess.  I mean, what kind of a name is Jess?"
     "I was sent to protect you, because Sam... er Dean... he and Rory had their alternate realities to protect their broken hearts.  But you... umm, Jess, he had no one.  He had loved Rory, she was also the love of his life.  But he... er you Dean, had been thrust into this alternate reality.  You had been trying to get on with your life.  Oh... oh my, I just remembered something else."
     "What?!"  Both Dean and Sam said at the same time.
     "Go on Cas, we can't go back now anyway.  Don't ask me how I'm dealing... but the truth... the whole entire story... must come out.  Or the realities will crash and burn, and life will cease to exist."
     "What the..."  Dean stutters.
     "Is there any of that scotch left?"  Lorelei asks.  Dean hands her the bottle, now less than half way filled.
     "I can't deal with this."  Rory goes to stand up.
     "Please, just hear everything."  Nia begs.  "Cas, go ahead and let everyone know what you remembered."
     "There was no Chuck... no God... that wrote the books.  It was you Dean.... well it was Jess. He is the author, or I mean you are the author," Cas states.  "Jess in his real form is stuck in a sort of in-between reality until you... that is Rory and Sam slash Dean, realize and come back to their realities.  He made the image of Chuck right before we came crashing to this place."
"I am the author?!" Dean scoffs at this thought. He is not buying any of this. "Someone better start explaining something that actually makes sense real soon."
     "Okay, say I believe even for a minute any of this is real, how do we even get back?" Sam asks, looking slightly critical, but somehow intrigued as well.
"Oh come on Sam," Dean interrupts. "You are not buying any of this, are..."
     All of a sudden there is a flash of light.  Banging on a door can be heard, first faintly, and slowly it grows louder and louder.  "Dean, are you in there?"
     Sam slowly opens his eyes.  Looking around he finds himself in a bedroom with a bed, desk, clothes sprawled all over, books lay all about and sports posters hang on the wall.  Pounding can be heard on the other side of the bedroom door.  It slowly dawns on him that he will probably have to get up and open the door to make the pounding noise stop.  Slowly he gets up, as he does a book falls to the floor that had been resting on his chest in his sleep.  With hesitance he opens the door.
     Before the door is even fully opened Rory begs, "I am so sorry."  Tears have stained her face, her eyes are red and puffy, looking both a little sad and endearing at the same time.  "I don't want to break up.  I know you think we can't make it work.  But I went home and had the most horrible dream.  Dean, I can't be without you.  Please let's make it work.  We have to try."
     "I... I had the weirdest dream too..." he looks off into space, and then back at Rory.  "Rory, are you... are you pregnant?"

  The End

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