Chapter Seventeen

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     As everyone waits with anticipation Nia continues.  "The night of the breakup both Rory and Dean slash Sam are heart broken.  Rory begins to have a relationship with Logan and her mind pushes Dean out.  However, an alternate Dean takes his place.  Rory dreams up a Dean that is happy without her.  Rory, you think a few years have gone by since you and Dean broke up, but it has only been months.  You never finished college, though you thought you did, and now you are pregnant.  Basically you both were so heart broken that these alternate realities just sort of... happened."  Nia pauses in her story.  She knows it is a lot to take in.  Hec, she just found out the truth of it all only a few months ago.
     "Say this is as real as you say, how do you know all this?"  Cas asks.
     "Why Castiel, don't you already know the answer to that question?"  Nia looks at Cas expectantly. But clearly Cas does not by the perplexed look on his face.
"How could I know such a thing?" Cas finally asks of Nia.
"I will explain further... let me know when you realize Castiel."
"How about you start answering what happened to me... I mean if you please could. I am not saying I believe all this, but I would like to hear what you have to say." States Sam.
"So would I." Both Dean and Lorelei say at the same time. Dean offers her a half smile.
"Yeah, you might want to wait on the flirting until you have heard the whole story." Nia looks at Dean and then at Lorelei. Both sit silent and awkward, waiting for Nia to continue. "So Rory believes she is living her normal life. But Dean slash Sam has the biggest change happen. That night of the breakup he goes home and to get his mind off of the breakup he starts reading a little book called Supernatural."
Sam interrupts, "Look, we already know that our lives were made into a book."
"Actually your alternate reality came into existence because of these books. You were reading the book when you got thrust into this alternate reality. You had just experienced your greatest fear, losing Rory. Your mind took one of your competitors for her heart and turned him into your greatest ally."
"I don't follow," replies Sam. By the looks on everyone's faces no one was following at this point.
"Where the hell does this leave me, in your little story?" Dean asks, clearly not convinced of any of this.
Nia looks from Dean to Sam. "There was another that competed for Rory's heart. At one point she even thought he was her one true love, until it was too late and she realized it was Sam all along. But Sam wasn't convinced he was her true love even though he believed her to be his true love. In order to take out the competition in his mind Sam made the competitor his own brother, giving him his name and ceasing him, as Dean, to exist. Dean, you are a man named Jess, an ex-boyfriend of Rory's."
The room fell silent.

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